22:44: Where did I learn this concept of spiraling down? There’s no such thing. Nothing has to happen. We’re free at any moment. I’m gonna watch a Robin Williams movie. Everything is beautiful. Everything is a part of God. Everything in creation is worthy of love. Let’s close the holes in the bucket again. Let’s not be pessimistic. Even if we do, Love is always within us.
I ate 2 plates of pasta and about 250 grams of yogurt 🙂 And a glass of goat milk 🙂 But that’s okay. The cat had his share too. He ate pasta for the first time in his life. She hiccupped a bit but then. But she is playing now.
After talking to a friend of mine, I realized that you don’t need to spiral all the way to the bottom. Maybe it was a concept I had formed in my mind over time. Just be happy. Be happy, be loving, be healthy, be radiant. Without feeling any pressure. That’s what I tell myself. And if emotions or situations come up that you are not prepared for, focus on love, love yourself, love yourself so much that it’s as if God is holding you like a kitten, stroking you, caressing you, letting the gas out of your belly. Love like God, because man is created in the image of God. Love unconditionally. Get out of the way, let God’s love flow. Words are not enough. But a sentence is enough for those who understand.
I am already on a path of no return. We are all on that path. We are returning to it. And now I’m watching a movie. 🙂 22:55 July 19, 2015
23:17 I likened God’s love to the hand that burps a cat. That’s okay too… Maybe I shouldn’t liken it to anything. I don’t give it any definition. It’s just something that you suddenly realize you already have. Without any conditions… I mean, let’s say you’re in a difficult situation… emotions are negative, you’re feeling bad… without any methods… without anything… that love is always there for you… What if it’s like that? In the most difficult moment, when you are at your end, that love is there… Otherwise, would there be any point in living? The most unacceptable event in the world, the person you see as the worst, the most unhappy moment, all around, inside, outside, in every fiber of your being… and beyond… waiting for you to find, understand, comprehend, sense, touch, touch, comprehend… Music dictates. Or is it not the music but that love? 23:31.