Topic: Enlightenment

What type of Pranayam should I do to lose my weight and mental illness; I have schizophrenia and I can’t do postures because I have rods in my both hands and I can’t sit down due to joint replacement in one leg?

I am practicing a teaching where posture is not of primary importance. We focus on the pure life force energy (prana in its purest form) in our spiritual hearts and stay as awareness. This energy which is us at the deepest level is intelligent. It knows how to heal us...

If some yogis claim to have seen God after enlightenment, then why don’t they show some proof to the ignorant minds of the world? We only read stories, even about the recent greats such as Swami Vivekananda, but there are no evidences. Why?

Because, YOU are God. Unless you truly want to know yourself, you won’t know yourself. God is everything. It is ignorance to look for isolated evidence, because wherever you look is God. There is also a formless aspect of God. This is also you. This is the container...

What are the best frequencies for meditation?

If we go by the ‘Meditation is a state of focused awareness’ approach, we can choose an object during our meditation. For spiritual enlightenment purposes, I have focused on one of 3 objects at different times during my meditation practices. They are the breath, the...

Can meditation be done in the wrong way? After and during meditation I feel empty, like a glass waiting to be poured with emotions. The way I do it is focusing on my thoughts. Is there anything wrong or is this normal?

If you choose your thoughts to be the object of meditation, then, as a result of your meditation you will have empowered them more. You will have created yourself more as a being who focuses on your thoughts. Then, during meditation or when you revert to a state of...

What is the cause and solution for motivation loss?

If you are ready for a deep answer that can change the way you look at reality, read on. Stay with the answer, and your question will have been most completely answered in the end. Are you experiencing a loss of motivation? See.. what you are experiencing right now is...

How has meditation brought you peace?

Meditation is a state of focused awareness. Where we focus our attention, our energy flows towards. We create more of that in our experience. When we focus on specific objects in meditation such as the breath or the energy of love, or the formless awareness itself, we...

How does one (step by step) practice spiritual surrendering to become meditative, especially for attachment to life (aversion to death)? Are there any examples of such a thought and surrender process or any literature that may help?

There is a living enlightened person who has been creating comprehensive teachings for over a decade, which are designed to address all aspects of this enlightenment process. They are designed especially for us, for these contemporary times. These two links contain...

What’s the easiest way to fix negative self worth?

Meditating on the SELF. You are the SELF, which is all life, the entirety of life. Negative self worth is an experience of suffering. Every person has their own words to express their suffering. You have used those words. Suffering exists because at some level we...

How to Solve ALL Your Problems -2

In the first article of this series, which I didn't know was to be a series :), I made an energetic entry to the topic, but did not elaborate intellectually on it for those who desire to understand what I am talking about more at an intellectual level. Some...

Focusing More on the Worldly Experience Than the Spiritual

Today and yesterday I was trying to set up the water containers for the temporary lodging that I am using to construct a tiny farm house. I was also trying to make chores easier by setting up earth containers and organizing the camp site, doing some land clearing etc....

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