Today and yesterday I was trying to set up the water containers for the temporary lodging that I am using to construct a tiny farm house. I was also trying to make chores easier by setting up earth containers and organizing the camp site, doing some land clearing etc. A lot of miscellaneous
tasks that were coming one by one. I ate a lot of fruits, some beans and some almonds, and some peanuts. I set aside time for meditation but it was not more than 1.5 hours. The meditations were on the verge of getting deeper but my mind was occupied heavily with the task of finishing the house and getting active. In the day, my focus was generally not on my heart and compared to previous days, I was less centered. I was more tired, but I noticed I was getting more muscular gradually. Things are getting done, but I must not forget the main focus here. There is this idea that if I finish this house and after that if I can earn my life by my own hand, I can meditate more easily in those circumstances. I am getting aware of this kind of thinking now. I am returning to the center (focusing on the Spiritual Heart). During the day, I did this sometimes, but right now I am reminding myself to focus more fully.
The Life of Yogananda. I stumbled upon this:
This immediately reminded me of my blog. Its purpose was the same perhaps as Yogananda’s. I know very little about him now, but it is written that he wrote a book about his own experiences on the path to enlightenment. This is also what I want to do. However much active I am during my earthly chores, the main thing must be my focus on the Spiritual Heart. The focus on God. I also want to read the book Autobiography of a Yogi.
As a note added after publishing this post: The title truly means that I lost focus on the Spiritual Heart more than the previous days during the day. The worldly things does not need to exclude spirituality but the quality of spirituality must be infused into daily living through the effort of the Soul to make it spiritual.