What Is the Importance of Deep Meditation, and Why Do Distractions Come?
When Should You Do Your First Meditation Session? In the Morning, Afternoon, Evening or Night. Why?
Can You Recover From Brain Damage Through Meditation and Other Spiritual Practices, or Does It Always Require Medical Intervention?
Is It Okay to Use the Back Support of a Chair While Meditating? I’ve Been Meditating for Almost 5 Years Now but This Question Is Still on My Mind. Does It Matter What Posture as Long as I Am Comfortable?
The point is to learn to be aligned with what you truly desire. Whether you are meditating in an advanced yogic posture, or whether you are meditating while laying on the bed, or sitting on a chair, are you able to be in the meditative state? We practice staying as...
Been Meditating for 2 Years and Manage to Reach a Peaceful Level of Connectivity and Energy. I Can Sit For Over an Hour Twice Daily Without Following a Certain Method Simply Being… Any Recommendations on a Method With Fireworks I Can Explore?
Live from the meditative state of awareness throughout the day that you have practiced in sitting meditation. Your awareness will start to expand beyond your human self. You will start to become more aware of your deeper aspects, the aspects of your Higher Self. You...
In today’s time with excess information and false gurus and so on, where is it that we can learn and practice the true art of yoga and meditation (Kriyas, enlightenment)?
Two genuine sources that you can learn from are: Sadhguru: Homepage Lincoln Gergar: Higher Consciousness Spiritual Teachings & Guided Meditations Channel Higher Self Kriya means internal action. Both these teachers are enlightened and include kriya type...
Should I continue with my meditation when a trauma and a blockage comes up to the surface during my meditation? Should I just observe it an go on with my meditation? Or should I take that opportunity and use my power to heal it?
Go on with your meditation. Genuine meditation will result in the arising of the state of awareness. Remaining in awareness, in full acceptance with whatever comes up, letting it arise and then return to silence while maintaining focus on the object of the meditation...
What are some good meditation apps? Why do people pay for apps as there is meditation content on YouTube/etc? How frequently and how long should I meditate? What can I expect from meditation?
This is a direct answer that doesn’t soften the topic, because the sooner you connect with the facts, the better, in my opinion. Here is a page of apps from Sadhguru, who is a truly wise enlightened person: Sadhguru & Isha Mobile Apps. Sadhguru was enlightened...
Is it better to meditate after exercise or after showering?
When your body is calm after a mild shower, you can switch into meditation with more ease. You can also switch with relative ease after light exercise. After heavy exercise, first slowing the body down meditatively and then switching into sitting meditation would be...
At what point can I start to visualise things while meditating?
Wherever you put your attention to, there your energy flows. Visualization happens in the mind. When you direct your attention to the part of the mind that visualization happens, and when you connect with your intention within, you can visualize the forms that you...
Can following a thought during meditation be helpful?
It can be useful, if you consciously select or follow the thought. In breath counting meditation for example, we count after each breath, and this is used as a support for active minds to remember they are meditating and track their meditation. Here the count is a...
What are some habits I could do every day that could replace social media? And have a real impact on well-being?
Educating yourself with teachings from genuinely enlightened people Meditation Living consciously from your spiritual heart, your deepest intelligence. Intermittent fasting Living with a sense of responsibility that encompasses the whole world, even whole existence...
Is there any scientific evidence that very short (e.g., 1 minute) meditation sessions have positive outcomes (e.g., improved focus)?
The mechanism is like this: Wherever you place your attention to, your energy flows. So, if you sit and genuinely meditate for 1 minutes, for 1 minute you will direct your energy towards your awakening. But, if the rest of the day you revert to letting your focus go...
Can meditation and mindfulness be the secret weapon against coronavirus anxiety?
Yes, we can evolve to the point that we don’t have a fear for our own health from the virus. This has been my experience from the beginning of March, when I began to understand and thought that it would inevitably come to my country and would be everywhere sooner or...
How do I decode the sign of the universe? There are lot of things which I am unable to comprehend while meditating and while connecting with nature.
To give an analogy: Consider the fact that the number PI has not been calculated yet by the most powerful supercomputers in the world. As of 2019, Google says 31.4 trillion digits of PI have been calculated. (3.14 contains two digits) If you ask me, these...
Is proper breathing during meditation long and deep or short and shallow breathing?
The breath will have developed its own tempo already because it is associated with the activity of the mind. Simply being aware of the breath is enough for the mind to start to return to peace. As peace begins to be created, you will be able to recognize your deepest...
When is the best time to meditate, very early in the morning, before my family wakes up and I am still tired, or late at night after they went to sleep and I am longing to sleep?
Why wait for the best time? Create your best time. Like.. rest as best as you can.. sleep well.. find a secluded place if it is too distracting for you otherwise. If you are tired.. support your body, rest your back somewhere, but sit upright, it doesn’t have to be...
I’d like to do counting meditation. I want to count by 1s starting at 0. What number should I count to if I want it to take 5-10 minutes?
In the breath counting meditation I practiced, the count starts from 1 and goes up to 10. After every breath (inhalation and exhalation together), the count goes up by 1. If the attention wanders from the breath, when we become aware of this, we start counting from 1...
What is the difference between “watching the breath” and “focusing on the breath”?
Focusing is an action where you are more or less in the mind. Focusing on the breath will bring into your experience your deepest aspect, the awareness. Watching is an action where you are experiencing the awareness and staying as the awareness, where the object of...
I feel super stressed and I’ve once had an amazing Kundalini Kriya spontaneous movements but couldn’t get it to happen again. What can I do?
Practice meditation and staying meditative throughout the day as best as you can. As the mind comes to relative peace, the energy will start to come into your awareness again. Do not try to increase or decrease the energies during meditation. Treat them just as you...
Do you find more benefits from a group meditation or from an individual meditation?
Until a person learns to meditate, guidance by enlightened people, or experienced meditators will be beneficial, because with this guidance the person will be gaining experiences that help them realize what meditation is. Once they understand, they can start...
What are the best groups and forums related to meditation and other relaxing practices?
One group is coming up for 2020. This one is where you can register online for live satsangs with an enlightened teacher which will be also shared online and in which you can ask questions. You can think of this as an online ashram with an alive guru leading.
How do I meditate for 10 minutes without any reaction to the thoughts that are coming from my mind?
The first step is to understand how to meditate. Please read this article for that. The rest of this answer builds on top of the core info in the article. To most fully experience the state of awareness, you need to most fully maintain your focus on the object of...
What is it like to be a full-time meditation teacher (paid or unpaid)?
Here is an interview with one of the most prolific teachers of our time, Lincoln Gergar. He has been providing one on one sessions for thousands of people per year, each one hour session a powerful channeling that a person can use for a long time even afterwards the...
How did you begin meditation? What are the steps in terms of pose, eyes, sounds, chants, brightness in surrounding do you follow for meditating? How has it helped you?
At some point, I became consciously interested in meditation. Up to this point, there was a seeking, and many activities where I was also building up the ability to concentrate and/or the ability to stay consciously aware, such as martial arts, simple schooling/study,...
Has meditation become a business here in the West? Because you don’t really need an app, guided meditations, sitting pillows, and more stuff to buy. A yogi in India doesn’t need anything to meditate, not even clothing.
I am not objecting to your point, here are some thoughts on this: -Sometimes guided meditations can be helpful, I benefited immensely from the guidance of an enlightened person, many times watching some of his videos, containing meditative guidance as a built in...
Can Reiki be used as a relaxation technique?
I am not coming from the Japanese lineage of learning Reiki. I arrived at the experience of the energy of Reiki from a different path. I will share my understanding so that you can understand more the mechanics of how Reiki helps you when you are studying Reiki. Feel...
How do you manage people without burning out?
This answer aims to layout the principles to be a manager who has captured large amounts of life. Be selfless like the Sun. Love them unconditionally. Your light can reach billions, but you won’t be burning out. How does the Sun do it? It must be selfish, too, if you...
To help me develop a powerful meditation practice, should I study a course, read a guide, use an app, use a singing bowl, or all of the above?
You can learn how to meditate first from a guide/article/course/workshop/etc.. Then all that is required is you keep practicing. As you practice, you will become aware of more and more of life. You will be capturing more and more of life. While this happens, all kinds...
Is it effective if I only do meditation for 15 minutes?
Yes, the more you practice genuine meditation, the more you will progress. You can think of it like.. You are the light, and as you meditate, you are touching more and more of creation, increasing your awareness of it, and also you are becoming more and more aware of...
What is the one meditation book I should give someone I want to get interested in meditating? She’s very intelligent, skeptic and is now going through the big loss in her life.
Hmm.. As a person who has been for many years advising people about their problems and writing answers which include how meditation can help them and accurate resources about meditation, I paused for a while reading this question. Perhaps she would feel interested in...
Are you aware of how much time is passing while meditating?
Earlier, I used to have more thoughts about time, and sometimes looking at the cell phone clock somewhere during meditation, or near the end, ‘is the time up yet’? Lately, I don’t care much about the time, since I am working to stay meditative all the time. There are...
How do you express your faith in God? My mind is so preoccupied with chanting his name that it takes a toll on my productivity. How do you escape that fear and reaffirm your faith without the need to chant all the time?
You can learn meditation. Practicing sitting meditation teaches us how to remain in a state where we are aware of the awareness that all life appears in, and we are aware of the creative energy that is one with this awareness, and we are in tune with the intelligence...
How does self-awareness affect a person’s career planning?
Awareness of what you truly value in life brings also a clarity about how you would desire to live your life. Living in awareness teaches us more and more about our self. We gain first hand knowledge by living in awareness. Our understanding of life evolves as a...
What is your favorite stealth meditation that you practice during an ordinary busy day?
I practice one of these 3 during the day, depending on my heart’s inclination: (explained in detail in these articles: 1, 2) Breath Awareness Meditation Spiritual Heart Meditation Awareness focusing on Awareness Meditation Mainly, I strive to focus on the spiritual...
Why do we face difficulties at work when I advance in meditation?
The difficulties sheep face when being herded by a shepherd are being shouted at and scared, being beaten with a stick in some cases.. but as long as they move along the way the shepherd desires, it will be OK for them, until the day they are sent to the butcher....
Why is the early morning the best moment to meditate?
The best moment to be meditative is now, the present moment. Normally, the first moment you are consciously aware of in the day is the early morning right after you wake up from sleep. When you become meditative at this earliest time, you start to proactively become...
What is the optimum room temperature for meditation?
You can select a temperature that is comfortable for your body but this is not a prerequisite for meditation. Blankets are good, too, in some cases. Do what works for you but don’t get attached to it. Meditation is about embracing all of life. If you get attached to a...
How do you meditate? Is there a guideline to follow, and what experience am I supposed to have?
We can follow a guideline until we evolve to an understanding where meditativeness becomes our natural state. Here is an article with such a guideline. Some meditation practices are designed to gradually evolve your understanding and state of existence so you are more...
How long is it normal to be looking for a sales job?
Ready for a deep dive? This answer themed with your question touches the deepest truths, is aimed to provide an opportunity to explore these to create experiences of freedom, happiness and wisdom for you: Normal changes according to the society you are living in. And...
What is the “ABCDE” method of organizing one’s day?
Take a careful look. You don’t live day by day aren’t you? You live moment to moment. In fact there is only this moment. There is nothing else. You are always living in this moment. Whether you are remembering a memory, or whether you are imagining the future, or...
Is basic meditation all it’s cracked up to be? Seriously, what’s the evidence?
You can explore three ways for the answer. One is, you can simply observe contemporary enlightened people keenly, and discern/see the difference with your own inner and outer senses. 4 examples I can immediately count are: Lincoln Gergar, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Osho,...
Why does my body go into shaking spasms during meditations and should I be scared?
I will give an example from my experience. When I maintain a meditative streak, and have been careful about my diet, my meditation at times deepens. When I am practicing Spiritual Heart Meditation (in a sitting posture) this way, sometimes the body can shake left and...
If some yogis claim to have seen God after enlightenment, then why don’t they show some proof to the ignorant minds of the world? We only read stories, even about the recent greats such as Swami Vivekananda, but there are no evidences. Why?
Because, YOU are God. Unless you truly want to know yourself, you won’t know yourself. God is everything. It is ignorance to look for isolated evidence, because wherever you look is God. There is also a formless aspect of God. This is also you. This is the container...
Meditation isn’t helping me pick a university course. What should I do?
Suppose that you will buy a car tomorrow, and you don’t know much about cars. If you get up and meditate in the morning, you will have more clarity in your mind. but you still won’t know much about cars. You will perhaps need to go to a car gallery to browse them and...
If I place awareness on the breath, is that meditation? Like can I meditate on the train just by being aware of the breath? Why or why not?
If I place awareness on the breath, is that meditation?: Yes. Can I meditate on the train just by being aware of the breath?: Yes. Why or why not?: Where we place our awareness changes the flow of creative energy accordingly. There are certain objects such as the...
What does it mean to be aware of your awareness in meditation and how can you apply it in your daily meditation practice?
There is an article that excellently matches the answer to your question so I am posting the link here: Types of Higher Self Meditation Practices Note the 3. meditation in the article. For the Breath Awareness Meditation in the article, study this article for...
What are the best frequencies for meditation?
If we go by the ‘Meditation is a state of focused awareness’ approach, we can choose an object during our meditation. For spiritual enlightenment purposes, I have focused on one of 3 objects at different times during my meditation practices. They are the breath, the...
I feel the need to write creatively. Is there value in pursuing it even if I don’t get paid?
Absolutely. True value is not measured by money, it is measured by the happiness (or pure life energy) you experience. And who knows, someday you can even get paid for it. The world needs happiness, and many people like people who bring happiness to the world. (Many...