Suppose that you will buy a car tomorrow, and you don’t know much about cars. If you get up and meditate in the morning, you will have more clarity in your mind. but you still won’t know much about cars. You will perhaps need to go to a car gallery to browse them and...
In the Mood for a Blog Entry
Express through me Higher Self.. It does not need to be words. I am expressing through you always. Recognize this. All that you express is always me. I am your body. I am your mind. I am your Soul. Just where are you focusing?\ tHAT WILL BE THE ASPECT OF ME YOU...
Higher Self Give Me a Name for a Blog
Right now I am focusing on the Spiritual Heart. I will let whatever flows through in writing. My eyes will be closed. Thank God for leading me to develop a ten finger typing ability. I am tuired in body because it has been a long day and I have done significant...
Hurting, Healing and Helping
Today I hurt the little dog that I had adopted. It kept biting me and when I am hurt I get angry. I tried to stop it by putting it a little distance away, telling it to stop, yelling in pain. But it came and bit me to play again and again. I got angrier and took it...