You are not doing this directly. You are doing this without being aware of how you are doing this. You are not aware of who you truly are, you are identified with a structure in your mind that you think you are. Your understanding of who you are is inaccurate and your...
How do I stop overthinking everything as a teen? ·
Learn meditation from the article below and start patiently practicing it. Read it carefully, and learn how to approach thoughts and emotions naturally. Practicing meditation in time will teach you to be in your natural state, where you can enjoy life with a peaceful...
Is overthinking a sign of intelligence or a sign of anxiety? How do you stop overthinking?
I feel that a fathomless intelligence is within us. The more noise there is in my mind, the less intelligent I feel. The more peaceful my mind, the more I can access this intelligence. A mind that is consistently filled with many thoughts is a mind that is not...
How do I stop overthinking about too much gaming?
It is wonderful and perfectly natural that you want to be happy. It is a great experience to be happy while playing games. However; ask yourself this question: Do you truly want to play games to a degree that would harm you, steal from you possibilities in your life...
Is overthinking a bad thing to a human person?
It doesn’t help with overthinking adding another thought that ‘Overthinking is bad’. Other people might be saying overthinking is bad, but what is your own experience? We must observe our own experience and see what is really happening and this way genuinely increase...
Why is overthinking bad, and how do you control it?
The disadvantage of overthinking is, your attention is fixed more than you actually need on your thoughts, and meanwhile you are missing other aspects of the present moment. The mind always tries to find happiness according to the existing conditioning you have...
How can I stop overthinking every social interaction?
Question Details: I’m way too sensitive to people and end up assuming the worst about most of the time. Its really annoying, and has caused me to avoid a lot of social interaction. I know this is a stupid question, but how can I stop? (Someone will suggest to ask for...
How can I prevent myself from using mobile constantly and follow my dream?
I admit I am working on this too, but I feel I have made some progress. ‘Mobile’ allows us to mentally browse through a huge amount of experiences in the world. Because through mobile (videos/audio/text) you can access a mental stream of information about the...
How did you get rid of overthinking?
Yes, I had a very active mind and furthermore I was identified with the thought structure in my mind as myself. I was a seeker of truth, and gave a lot of intellectual effort in understanding the nature of reality, and also trained myself physically (martial arts and...