Purity. The purer the mind of the speaker, the more purely unconditional love will be expressed through them. And for this purity to have happened, they must have had the purest intentions and honored them devotedly until it happened. So, I feel the inspiring element...
As a public speaker, do you go out and ask for opportunities to speak or do you wait for someone to offer you the opportunity, or is it a mix of both?
🙂 From where does this all begin? Does the chicken come first or the egg? I am inspired by a past memory when I had listened how the universe was created from a master. It will be distracting to share it here. But the point is.. what if all is springing forth in this...
I have complete mastery over the English language and am adept at reading human behavior and creating solutions for personal issues. Would pursuing a career as a motivational speaker be ideal for me?
There is a learning period where a person needs to learn to trust their inner knowing. Start somewhere trusting your experience. Be honest with yourself, see things as they are as you progress. If something comes from your heart, and you stay focused on your heart,...
What do I need to know as a young motivational speaker?
No one owns life.. No one is innately superior.. We are all the same consciousness, same life. So, in my understanding, what is needed is to be alive, is to be oneself, is to be real. Motivation… The desire for motivation is actually the desire to know life, know it...
How do I have better luck in dating as a guy, if I’m struggling with being boring?
This will be a definite answer to your question. The mechanism of the mind is that it seeks unconditional love. The conditioning of the mind determines how it seeks it, but it always seeks this unless it is being experienced in the present moment. Unconditional love...