Topic: Higher Self

Been Meditating for 2 Years and Manage to Reach a Peaceful Level of Connectivity and Energy. I Can Sit For Over an Hour Twice Daily Without Following a Certain Method Simply Being… Any Recommendations on a Method With Fireworks I Can Explore?

Live from the meditative state of awareness throughout the day that you have practiced in sitting meditation. Your awareness will start to expand beyond your human self. You will start to become more aware of your deeper aspects, the aspects of your Higher Self. You...

What type of Pranayam should I do to lose my weight and mental illness; I have schizophrenia and I can’t do postures because I have rods in my both hands and I can’t sit down due to joint replacement in one leg?

I am practicing a teaching where posture is not of primary importance. We focus on the pure life force energy (prana in its purest form) in our spiritual hearts and stay as awareness. This energy which is us at the deepest level is intelligent. It knows how to heal us...

Can Reiki be used as a relaxation technique?

I am not coming from the Japanese lineage of learning Reiki. I arrived at the experience of the energy of Reiki from a different path. I will share my understanding so that you can understand more the mechanics of how Reiki helps you when you are studying Reiki. Feel...

How do you manage people without burning out?

This answer aims to layout the principles to be a manager who has captured large amounts of life. Be selfless like the Sun. Love them unconditionally. Your light can reach billions, but you won’t be burning out. How does the Sun do it? It must be selfish, too, if you...

How do you express your faith in God? My mind is so preoccupied with chanting his name that it takes a toll on my productivity. How do you escape that fear and reaffirm your faith without the need to chant all the time?

You can learn meditation. Practicing sitting meditation teaches us how to remain in a state where we are aware of the awareness that all life appears in, and we are aware of the creative energy that is one with this awareness, and we are in tune with the intelligence...

Why is the early morning the best moment to meditate?

The best moment to be meditative is now, the present moment. Normally, the first moment you are consciously aware of in the day is the early morning right after you wake up from sleep. When you become meditative at this earliest time, you start to proactively become...

How long is it normal to be looking for a sales job?

Ready for a deep dive? This answer themed with your question touches the deepest truths, is aimed to provide an opportunity to explore these to create experiences of freedom, happiness and wisdom for you: Normal changes according to the society you are living in. And...

What are the best frequencies for meditation?

If we go by the ‘Meditation is a state of focused awareness’ approach, we can choose an object during our meditation. For spiritual enlightenment purposes, I have focused on one of 3 objects at different times during my meditation practices. They are the breath, the...

How does one dissolve ones chakras completely and permanently? This would eliminate the constant trouble of have to try to clear them and balance them and open them and close them and clean them and worse having pay someone else to do it for you.

What about your physical body? Don’t you need to consciously care for it? Only when you die, you don’t need to do anything about it any more. Your chakras are your responsibility, too. They are emotional organs. You don’t dissolve them, they are part of the human...

Can meditation be centered only on being aware of thoughts, and not necessarily on paying attention to the breath, which seems to only to be in place to facilitate more awareness of thoughts; the ultimate goal?

Where you place your attention your energy will flow. When we place our attention on the breath, which is a special focal point that is connected to the deepest parts of ourselves, we are creating an experience of becoming aware of more of ourselves as the awareness...

How do you cope with stress and pressure?

Are you ready for a deep dive? I have dived deep for many years, so my answer about my approach will also reflect my experiences over the years. Here comes the answer: I take full responsibility for everything I experience. This does not mean I am personally in...

How has meditation brought you peace?

Meditation is a state of focused awareness. Where we focus our attention, our energy flows towards. We create more of that in our experience. When we focus on specific objects in meditation such as the breath or the energy of love, or the formless awareness itself, we...

I replay unwanted thoughts in my head over and over again while doing a certain action until it “feels right”. I heard this is OCD. It’s difficult to control and I hate it. How can I make these compulsions stop?

Currently who you think you are is a construct of thoughts. But in reality, you are the awareness that is the container of everything, including your thoughts, your emotions and your body. You are trying to stop the thoughts by staying identified with some other...

I have complete mastery over the English language and am adept at reading human behavior and creating solutions for personal issues. Would pursuing a career as a motivational speaker be ideal for me?

There is a learning period where a person needs to learn to trust their inner knowing. Start somewhere trusting your experience. Be honest with yourself, see things as they are as you progress. If something comes from your heart, and you stay focused on your heart,...

How does one (step by step) practice spiritual surrendering to become meditative, especially for attachment to life (aversion to death)? Are there any examples of such a thought and surrender process or any literature that may help?

There is a living enlightened person who has been creating comprehensive teachings for over a decade, which are designed to address all aspects of this enlightenment process. They are designed especially for us, for these contemporary times. These two links contain...

What is your fastest way to reduce your own stress?

I stop creating stress to the best of my knowledge at that given time. Lately, I focus on the Spiritual Heart as strongly/one pointedly as I can and stay as Awareness. I let the stress be as it is, and let the energy of Love do the work of purification. I am aware...

How do I stop being lazy as a teenager?

I want to stop being lazy,depressed. I want to become hardworking, get good grades, have a good life, get fit. I am lazy and tired every single minute of the day. I dont know what to do. What should I do? Please help me. You are the creator of your life, and you have...

How can I stop thinking about work constantly?

I work as a developer. Whenever I receive an email from someone complaining about something I did (mostly small things which happen rarely), I feel really bad and wouldn’t stop thinking about it for days. It’s killing me and sometimes I wouldn’t be able to sleep at...

How do I stop overthinking about too much gaming?

It is wonderful and perfectly natural that you want to be happy. It is a great experience to be happy while playing games. However; ask yourself this question: Do you truly want to play games to a degree that would harm you, steal from you possibilities in your life...

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