Topic: Emotional Healing

What type of Pranayam should I do to lose my weight and mental illness; I have schizophrenia and I can’t do postures because I have rods in my both hands and I can’t sit down due to joint replacement in one leg?

I am practicing a teaching where posture is not of primary importance. We focus on the pure life force energy (prana in its purest form) in our spiritual hearts and stay as awareness. This energy which is us at the deepest level is intelligent. It knows how to heal us...

How Can I Stop Being My Own Worst Enemy?

In the comments section you have written that you were depreciated, deprecated and denigrated all the time as a child and you run yourself down because of this behavior, and that you feel you don’t count as a person. You were raised in an environment where you were...

How To Be More Fulfilled With Less Struggle

There are two ways to feel fulfilled that I know of. The first of these approaches is to feel fulfilled by working to fulfill the conditions that we believe will fulfill us. We do actions that we think that would give us happiness. Such as achieving goals,...

How to Solve ALL Your Problems -2

In the first article of this series, which I didn't know was to be a series :), I made an energetic entry to the topic, but did not elaborate intellectually on it for those who desire to understand what I am talking about more at an intellectual level. Some...

How to Solve ALL Your Problems

This is the third time I start writing this article. I discarded the two previous starts, first was getting too analytical and in the second one I started to write at a friend's house and he interrupted me to express himself and I allowed him. Every moment I am a new...

The Powerful Energy Of The Spiritual Heart

Lately, in my life, I have been focusing on the Spiritual Heart on irregular times throughout the day, trying to somewhat maintain this focus and make it continuous. I have become more and more aware that this has a powerful purifying effect in my life. I feel as if I...

How to Trust the Universe/Life?

This article will be challenging for me. But I trust 🙂 I will create something good. Let's ask and attempt to answer the following questions to create a context for starting to tackle the main question: 1) Is the universe, is life inherently trustworthy? If we...

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