Because, YOU are God. Unless you truly want to know yourself, you won’t know yourself. God is everything. It is ignorance to look for isolated evidence, because wherever you look is God. There is also a formless aspect of God. This is also you. This is the container...
How do I stop thinking dirty?
The more you correctly meditate, the more you will experience a purity of mind. When our mind is conditioned to seek happiness outside of itself, our sexual energy is subconsciously channeled towards objects in the world. When we learn/discover the unconditional love...
How do I become good at something, and how can I find out what that something is?
Ultimately, you can become good at anything, you can become anything. The entire universe is YOU. You can create any experience. The catch is, you don’t believe it right now. You believe yourself to be a limited person. Which is OK. Be totally honest with yourself and...
What is some good advice for a 17-year-old?
Everyone has different personalities, perspectives. Everyone will tell you to do something according to themselves. If you listen to them only, hear the concepts they are telling you but do not look and see truth for yourself, you will have lived life according to a...
Every Experience is an Opportunity to Find Yourself
I was chatting with a neighbor in his house on religion and spirituality. He was asking me about the purpose of religions. He is kind of an agnostic, and is skeptical of the purpose of religions. My answer was, in most cases they were systems put in place by their...