Don’t hurry up. First of all, learn to manage your own self, your own life. Learn to lead yourself. Live with integrity. You will start to grow as a person this way. You can start working in a company. Live with awareness, and do your job with as full involvement as...
What is the “ABCDE” method of organizing one’s day?
Take a careful look. You don’t live day by day aren’t you? You live moment to moment. In fact there is only this moment. There is nothing else. You are always living in this moment. Whether you are remembering a memory, or whether you are imagining the future, or...
Advice please. How do you deal with a narcissistic boss/supervisor in the work place? Leaving is not an option so are there any tactics I can use to stay on the right side of a narcissistic boss?
Truth is the tactic. Your life is not just about that job as you would like to believe. Whatever you do straying from truth, will drag you more into suffering whether you keep the job or not. Whatever you do living with truth, will lead you out of suffering more...
What are the degrees I can do that do not completely focus on memorization (if you know what I mean)?
It is not about the degree, it is about who is teaching. Find enlightened teachers. They will not be focusing on living from the past. On memory. They will be teaching you to be in the present, to be yourself. It is about the understanding of the teacher that what...
How do I stop thinking about gaming every single second?
Apply these steps in order: 1. Watch and do this guided meditation: 2. Do step 1, until you feel enough clarity to focus on reading this article about meditation: What is meditation? How to practice...
How to Be Happy/Peaceful Independent of External Circumstances
First of all, what is happiness? What is peace? Let's shake up these questions a bit and see what spills. Happiness is a word that points to an experience. If you ask what happiness is to many people, initially you will get varying answers, which may be close or far...