Currently who you think you are is a construct of thoughts. But in reality, you are the awareness that is the container of everything, including your thoughts, your emotions and your body. You are trying to stop the thoughts by staying identified with some other...
What can I do if I don’t want to put in hard work to help myself with my mental health?
Stay aware of your situation. Be honest. Be loving to yourself. Healing does not require one to fight with their mind. No matter how hard you fight with your mind, you can’t win that way. Fighting implies what you fight is external to you and that you can defeat it by...
Does having money raise self-worth?
It is a common belief for many people that if you are rich, you are more worthy or if you have money you are worthy. There are also beliefs about money which make it ‘bad’ in the perception of many people who have these beliefs. So, people can crave to be rich due to...
What is your fastest way to reduce your own stress?
I stop creating stress to the best of my knowledge at that given time. Lately, I focus on the Spiritual Heart as strongly/one pointedly as I can and stay as Awareness. I let the stress be as it is, and let the energy of Love do the work of purification. I am aware...
How Can I Stop Being My Own Worst Enemy?
In the comments section you have written that you were depreciated, deprecated and denigrated all the time as a child and you run yourself down because of this behavior, and that you feel you don’t count as a person. You were raised in an environment where you were...
How do I stop thinking dirty?
The more you correctly meditate, the more you will experience a purity of mind. When our mind is conditioned to seek happiness outside of itself, our sexual energy is subconsciously channeled towards objects in the world. When we learn/discover the unconditional love...
How do I deal with over thinking and rehashing a relationship that has long ended and that has turned upside down my personal and familial life?
Question Details: I am a girl. I was in a relationship with a guy for 7 years. After that, he left me and married someone else. At first, I thought I'll easily overcome this situation. It's almost two and a half years and I am not able to get over him. My friends...