I have been working for the last couple of weeks to create a self hosted, multilingual Wordpress based personal website. I have been setting up the software and moving the content from my previous site erdalbora.wordpress.com which I will be gradually phasing out. I...
On Shame, Love, Hope, Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment
How To Be More Fulfilled With Less Struggle
There are two ways to feel fulfilled that I know of. The first of these approaches is to feel fulfilled by working to fulfill the conditions that we believe will fulfill us. We do actions that we think that would give us happiness. Such as achieving goals,...
What Does a Happy Man Do?
Limiting the Scope of My Digital Fast
I am continuing my digital fast but will make an exception for a single activity. I need some money to setup my hut and I need some online income. I will limit my online activity to only working. So basically, I will take extreme care to stay away from social...
Towards Enlightenment (3): What Can Be Done About Losing Focus/Getting Distracted?
Towards Enlightenment (2): The Ground Floor of Heaven is All Well and Good, but How Do We Get In?
Towards Enlightenment (1): The Ground Floor of Heaven and the Slowly Boiled Frog Syndrome
All Lives are Sacred and Everything is Possible
I am nowadays going from 'I should do something with my life' to 'all lives are sacred and everything is possible' attitude to life. I mean, isn't everything happening through our choices? Isn't the universe perfect? Wouldn't your Soul be able to incarnate anywhere it...
How Not to Earn Money From a Job and Still Be Happy, and Survive
Well, you gotta get money from somewhere. If you spend it, you need to get it from some source. But it doesn't mean you have to earn it. Money is something that most humans living in the civilized world think is valuable. Take your wallet full of money and take...
Update for Previous Entry and a Few Days of Hard Work
I ate a lot more that day. A local cheese desert and 2 local vegetarian meat (no meat but a lot of spices and stuff) rolls. And maybe more, I don't remember exactly. So, this daily intake software I used a few days ago.. It might be interesting to use, and useful to...