How to Come Back from the Dark Side of the Force?
Remember: The Force Will Be With You, Always.
 Now. I had to write this article. It has been getting into shape within my mind, not the contents, but just the picture at the start, and just the title. The rest is energy that is asking to be let into this world. And now is the time. The Force.. Jedi.. The Dark...
On the Importance of Unconditional Love in Helping People and Building Relationships
Why Is Unconditional Love So Important When Helping/Relating With Other People
When you focus on Divine Love, this Love starts to purify you. It heals you. It helps you heal those energies that are stuck within you. By keeping your attention on Divine Love and staying as awareness, you give your Higher Self the permission to teach you with...
The Powerful Energy Of The Spiritual Heart
Lately, in my life, I have been focusing on the Spiritual Heart on irregular times throughout the day, trying to somewhat maintain this focus and make it continuous. I have become more and more aware that this has a powerful purifying effect in my life. I feel as if I...
Life Happens and I am Awakening
I wasn't going to write another post until I had a deep awakening. Well, I want to write one now, because I feel it is worth it. For a long time, I tried to fight with some of my desires in life. This led to inner conflict. Now, I am changing strategy. My strategy is...
Lost the Center Again and Gradually Lost the Fast, But Regained Some Centeredness After Some Effort
I gradually lost my center when I started to focus on the idea that I had to build a hut in the field to meditate and take care of the animals in an easier way. The problem here was that I lost the surrendered state, the state of trust to life, after and during a...
Towards Enlightenment (8): Continuity in Focus. What Do You Really Want?
Towards Enlightenment (3): What Can Be Done About Losing Focus/Getting Distracted?
Towards Enlightenment (2): The Ground Floor of Heaven is All Well and Good, but How Do We Get In?
Towards Enlightenment (1): The Ground Floor of Heaven and the Slowly Boiled Frog Syndrome
A Blog Post at the Bottom of the Night. It Fits the Occasion. Appearing as You Are/Being as You Appear
How to Trust the Universe/Life?
This article will be challenging for me. But I trust 🙂 I will create something good. Let's ask and attempt to answer the following questions to create a context for starting to tackle the main question: 1) Is the universe, is life inherently trustworthy? If we...
How to Be Happy/Peaceful Independent of External Circumstances
First of all, what is happiness? What is peace? Let's shake up these questions a bit and see what spills. Happiness is a word that points to an experience. If you ask what happiness is to many people, initially you will get varying answers, which may be close or far...
A Few Days of Many Things
Sometimes days pass where many things happen, many thoughts and emotions occur and you can't just categorize them into anything specific. I will write what now flows out of me about these last few days. What I remember is, my being vegan and the concern of buying and...
Reawakening the Blog
Hello, The previous blog entry introduces me, from my perspective in 2011. Much has passed since until today (2014). I went through really difficult times. I learned a lot of spiritual knowledge, and started to apply it throughout those times. About a month ago, I was...