Topic: Desire


In the Islamic teachings that I have been taught, from you know.. elders in the family and hearsay.. heaven was told to me as the place where all your desires will be granted. And in the highest place in heaven, you will get to see God. These beliefs are from my...

All Lives are Sacred and Everything is Possible

I am nowadays going from 'I should do something with my life' to 'all lives are sacred and everything is possible' attitude to life. I mean, isn't everything happening through our choices? Isn't the universe perfect? Wouldn't your Soul be able to incarnate anywhere it...

How to Be Happy/Peaceful Independent of External Circumstances

First of all, what is happiness? What is peace? Let's shake up these questions a bit and see what spills. Happiness is a word that points to an experience. If you ask what happiness is to many people, initially you will get varying answers, which may be close or far...

I Want To Help People Without Caring for Money

Helping people. Is this what I really want? Yes. But the reason is this. What I really want is Love. Love. Divine Will. Surrendering to it. When I do this, it immensely helps me. It wants to express through me. It overflows. That is why I want to help other people....

Back from the Spiraling Downward into the Ego and the Vow

How did it start? Perhaps it started when I started to go the ego's way in small things. Perhaps, when I did not deliberately focus on God but focused on the ego instead. It is so subtle. You try to make yourself believe that you can both focus on the desire of the...

Update for Previous Entry and a Few Days of Hard Work

I ate a lot more that day. A local cheese desert and 2 local vegetarian meat (no meat but a lot of spices and stuff) rolls. And maybe more, I don't remember exactly. So, this daily intake software I used a few days ago.. It might be interesting to use, and useful to...

A Few Days of Many Things

Sometimes days pass where many things happen, many thoughts and emotions occur and you can't just categorize them into anything specific. I will write what now flows out of me about these last few days. What I remember is, my being vegan and the concern of buying and...

Experiencing High Energy

I don't have the time to write long this time, because I have been in front of the computer for the last 6 hours with small breaks. Last two days I have walked over 4 hours, carried weights around 10 kg over long distances, worked long hours in front of the computer...

Reawakening the Blog

Hello, The previous blog entry introduces me, from my perspective in 2011. Much has passed since until today (2014). I went through really difficult times. I learned a lot of spiritual knowledge, and started to apply it throughout those times. About a month ago, I was...


Hi! I am Erdal Bora. This is a temporary blog I am creating until I create a web site under my name. My primary purpose is not blogging but to have a free web site to offer free life coaching services to any Soul who stumbles upon my blog. It is a normal practice to...

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