What kind of energy can stress and fear generate in us?
Stress is a constriction of one’s energies as a result of one’s focus in the mental patterns generating stress. Fear is a type of energetic experience created when we focus on the belief that we can’t feel love, or that we can feel it in a very limited way. It is a...
At what point can I start to visualise things while meditating?
Wherever you put your attention to, there your energy flows. Visualization happens in the mind. When you direct your attention to the part of the mind that visualization happens, and when you connect with your intention within, you can visualize the forms that you...
Can following a thought during meditation be helpful?
It can be useful, if you consciously select or follow the thought. In breath counting meditation for example, we count after each breath, and this is used as a support for active minds to remember they are meditating and track their meditation. Here the count is a...
Is there any scientific evidence that very short (e.g., 1 minute) meditation sessions have positive outcomes (e.g., improved focus)?
The mechanism is like this: Wherever you place your attention to, your energy flows. So, if you sit and genuinely meditate for 1 minutes, for 1 minute you will direct your energy towards your awakening. But, if the rest of the day you revert to letting your focus go...
How do I decode the sign of the universe? There are lot of things which I am unable to comprehend while meditating and while connecting with nature.
To give an analogy: Consider the fact that the number PI has not been calculated yet by the most powerful supercomputers in the world. As of 2019, Google says 31.4 trillion digits of PI have been calculated. (3.14 contains two digits) If you ask me, these...
Is proper breathing during meditation long and deep or short and shallow breathing?
The breath will have developed its own tempo already because it is associated with the activity of the mind. Simply being aware of the breath is enough for the mind to start to return to peace. As peace begins to be created, you will be able to recognize your deepest...
I’d like to do counting meditation. I want to count by 1s starting at 0. What number should I count to if I want it to take 5-10 minutes?
In the breath counting meditation I practiced, the count starts from 1 and goes up to 10. After every breath (inhalation and exhalation together), the count goes up by 1. If the attention wanders from the breath, when we become aware of this, we start counting from 1...
What is the difference between “watching the breath” and “focusing on the breath”?
Focusing is an action where you are more or less in the mind. Focusing on the breath will bring into your experience your deepest aspect, the awareness. Watching is an action where you are experiencing the awareness and staying as the awareness, where the object of...
How do I meditate for 10 minutes without any reaction to the thoughts that are coming from my mind?
The first step is to understand how to meditate. Please read this article for that. The rest of this answer builds on top of the core info in the article. To most fully experience the state of awareness, you need to most fully maintain your focus on the object of...
Can Reiki be used as a relaxation technique?
I am not coming from the Japanese lineage of learning Reiki. I arrived at the experience of the energy of Reiki from a different path. I will share my understanding so that you can understand more the mechanics of how Reiki helps you when you are studying Reiki. Feel...
How do you express your faith in God? My mind is so preoccupied with chanting his name that it takes a toll on my productivity. How do you escape that fear and reaffirm your faith without the need to chant all the time?
You can learn meditation. Practicing sitting meditation teaches us how to remain in a state where we are aware of the awareness that all life appears in, and we are aware of the creative energy that is one with this awareness, and we are in tune with the intelligence...
Is the 10,000 hour rule of mastery achievable for a regular person?
You are falling into the trap of defining yourself. Regular person? What is it? In fact, there is no trap out there waiting for you, either. You are creating the trap. There simply aren’t any limitations whatsoever than what you place upon yourself. What is mastery?...
Is Reiki pagan?
I haven’t received formal Reiki training. I will answer this question based on my understanding as a yogi. Life is one single entity, intelligent and aware. Therefore, nothing is not DIVINE. Everything is from God, everything is within God, everything is God. It is...
Is basic meditation all it’s cracked up to be? Seriously, what’s the evidence?
You can explore three ways for the answer. One is, you can simply observe contemporary enlightened people keenly, and discern/see the difference with your own inner and outer senses. 4 examples I can immediately count are: Lincoln Gergar, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Osho,...
If some yogis claim to have seen God after enlightenment, then why don’t they show some proof to the ignorant minds of the world? We only read stories, even about the recent greats such as Swami Vivekananda, but there are no evidences. Why?
Because, YOU are God. Unless you truly want to know yourself, you won’t know yourself. God is everything. It is ignorance to look for isolated evidence, because wherever you look is God. There is also a formless aspect of God. This is also you. This is the container...
Is it better to work 4 10 hour days or 5 8 hours days?
The ‘better’ you seek actually changes with your ability to be happy, not with how much you work. When you are truly happy, you won’t care a damn thing about how much you work. This doesn’t mean you will work yourself to death and this doesn’t mean you...
Can meditation be centered only on being aware of thoughts, and not necessarily on paying attention to the breath, which seems to only to be in place to facilitate more awareness of thoughts; the ultimate goal?
Where you place your attention your energy will flow. When we place our attention on the breath, which is a special focal point that is connected to the deepest parts of ourselves, we are creating an experience of becoming aware of more of ourselves as the awareness...
How do I make an eight hour workday go by faster?
Make it a 24 hour workday. Work on listening to your heart and living with its higher intelligence. Here is a very thorough answer. Firstly, time is only a concept created by humans. Humans have created a device which divides the motion of the Earth around the Sun...
What is the cause and solution for motivation loss?
If you are ready for a deep answer that can change the way you look at reality, read on. Stay with the answer, and your question will have been most completely answered in the end. Are you experiencing a loss of motivation? See.. what you are experiencing right now is...
How do you cope with stress and pressure?
Are you ready for a deep dive? I have dived deep for many years, so my answer about my approach will also reflect my experiences over the years. Here comes the answer: I take full responsibility for everything I experience. This does not mean I am personally in...
… Has anyone really fully understood the Tao Te Ching and applied it? Would not their lives become heaven?
Full question text: The Tao Te Ching seems to contain extremely powerful wisdom, yet due to the way it is written, this wisdom is hard to fully decipher. Has anyone really fully understood the Tao Te Ching and applied it? Would not their lives become heaven? The first...
In your opinion, what is the best way to intrinsically motivate employees?
Be intrinsically motivated yourself. Examine Sadhguru, he is a great example. He doesn’t employ anyone, his fellows are volunteers. Be such that your organization attracts volunteer minded people. Can you treat money like the dead leaves of a tree, can you risk it all...
How has meditation brought you peace?
Meditation is a state of focused awareness. Where we focus our attention, our energy flows towards. We create more of that in our experience. When we focus on specific objects in meditation such as the breath or the energy of love, or the formless awareness itself, we...
As a public speaker, do you go out and ask for opportunities to speak or do you wait for someone to offer you the opportunity, or is it a mix of both?
🙂 From where does this all begin? Does the chicken come first or the egg? I am inspired by a past memory when I had listened how the universe was created from a master. It will be distracting to share it here. But the point is.. what if all is springing forth in this...
Why can’t I control my intrusive thoughts no matter how much I try?
Note: For a quick answer, skip to the end and study the last video. However, I suggest studying this answer as well to gain a path to fuller understanding. Let’s give an analogy that might help you understand the situation from a wider perspective. Imagine that you...
What is the best way to deal with a competitor who keeps trying to copy you?
Lead them. Always be ahead by doing what you love. Take Tesla’s/Elon Musk’s example. They are always better than their competitors in creating the newest, most useful technology, because they are always working with dedication, passion and creativity, not from a lack...
I replay unwanted thoughts in my head over and over again while doing a certain action until it “feels right”. I heard this is OCD. It’s difficult to control and I hate it. How can I make these compulsions stop?
Currently who you think you are is a construct of thoughts. But in reality, you are the awareness that is the container of everything, including your thoughts, your emotions and your body. You are trying to stop the thoughts by staying identified with some other...
As a writer, do you feel that exercise helps spur your creativity? If so, is there a particular activity you like to participate in to help get the juices in your brain flowing?
Firstly, I would like to point out an aspect of exercise that I think helps with creating more flow. It is breath awareness and body awareness. Normally, humans are conditioned to keep their attention mainly in their forehead region in their thoughts. For women, their...
How can I be sure if I’m pretty or not? All my friends say I’m pretty but I feel like they just say that not to break my heart.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For some people you will be pretty, and some will not find you pretty. This is entirely according to their conditioning. Enlightened people see the perfection of life. For them, everything is perfect. For them, you are one with...
Will I ever be able to journey through meditation if I can’t visualise objects and places? All I can see when I close my eyes is an endless tunnel. It never leads anywhere. I have spent hours trying whilst listening to drumming. It’s just darkness.
Try this article, it will answer your question along with giving you a concise and accurate definition of what meditation is and how to practice meditation. There are a large number of different practices being called meditation today, but most of them create more...
What’s the easiest way to fix negative self worth?
Meditating on the SELF. You are the SELF, which is all life, the entirety of life. Negative self worth is an experience of suffering. Every person has their own words to express their suffering. You have used those words. Suffering exists because at some level we...
What do I need to know as a young motivational speaker?
No one owns life.. No one is innately superior.. We are all the same consciousness, same life. So, in my understanding, what is needed is to be alive, is to be oneself, is to be real. Motivation… The desire for motivation is actually the desire to know life, know it...
Liberation from All Addictions – The Case of Smoking
Hello friends, In this article, I will tell you how we can be free from our addictions in general and how we can quit smoking in particular. I felt the need to add this sentence when I was in the middle of writing the article: Since this is an article that touches on...
What are the Differences Between Ordinary Thinking and Critical Thinking?
Google dictionary for critical thinking says: “Critical thinking is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.” It is very common and ordinary to be semi-conscious, or mostly unconscious about what is going on within one’s mind in...
What Does Motivation Look Like?
Motivation is an experience. It is a state of ‘experiencing’. It is being alive. Being conscious. Being present. It is when you are here and now, when your attention is in the moment, when you are living life as fully as possible. When your attention is primarily in...
What are the best tricks to keep yourself motivated?
Stop searching for motivation. Searching implies that you think/believe it is somewhere else. Non-searching is the state of motivation. Motivation is within you, not somewhere else, it is one with you. So how will you ever find it if you keep believing it is somewhere...
How do I have better luck in dating as a guy, if I’m struggling with being boring?
This will be a definite answer to your question. The mechanism of the mind is that it seeks unconditional love. The conditioning of the mind determines how it seeks it, but it always seeks this unless it is being experienced in the present moment. Unconditional love...
How do I become good at something, and how can I find out what that something is?
Ultimately, you can become good at anything, you can become anything. The entire universe is YOU. You can create any experience. The catch is, you don’t believe it right now. You believe yourself to be a limited person. Which is OK. Be totally honest with yourself and...
How do I stop comparing myself with people in terms of study?
The only way to completely quiet the mind is to feel unconditional love all the time. The comparison thoughts that you are witnessing in your mind are a symptom of your conditioning which says you can only feel Love if you fulfill certain conditions. This is...
What keeps you motivated to work hard on achieving your dreams?
I have been working more and more to become a heart centered person. When we are heart centered, our actions and our desires enter into a trend where they become more and more aligned. And when they are increasingly more aligned, we feel less incongruity, less...
What should I do to reduce my shyness?
Wikipedia contains this sentence inside the definition of shyness: `The primary defining characteristic of shyness is a largely ego-driven fear of what other people will think of a person's behavior.` Your question feels sensible, because you don’t want to destroy...
Why is overthinking bad, and how do you control it?
The disadvantage of overthinking is, your attention is fixed more than you actually need on your thoughts, and meanwhile you are missing other aspects of the present moment. The mind always tries to find happiness according to the existing conditioning you have...
How can I like myself?
To define Love in words exhaustively is impossible. We all have unique personalities, and at any certain moment, Love will mean something different to each person. But, when we go beyond our minds, and feel the energy of Love directly, it is the same experience. You...
About the Writings in This Site
Anger or Mud?
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back and It’s All OK.
How To Be More Fulfilled With Less Struggle
There are two ways to feel fulfilled that I know of. The first of these approaches is to feel fulfilled by working to fulfill the conditions that we believe will fulfill us. We do actions that we think that would give us happiness. Such as achieving goals,...