The answer I will write is intended to facilitate a step towards the direction you desire, not explain all the steps you will take to get there, because you will need to live your life and face your unique circumstances as these steps are revealed. I would need to be...
Why do we hate people but at the same time can’t live without them?
Ultimately, everything in the universe is a part of you. If you are hating anything, you are hating a part of you. To be able to hate anything, you need to have a mental construct within yourself that says you are separate from that thing and that thing is bad, wrong,...
What is some good advice for a 17-year-old?
Everyone has different personalities, perspectives. Everyone will tell you to do something according to themselves. If you listen to them only, hear the concepts they are telling you but do not look and see truth for yourself, you will have lived life according to a...
Life is totally meaningless. We live. We die. So what’s the point?
You are right. Life is meaningless. No single meaning can capture the essence of life. When we try to capture life into concepts, the juice of life, the essence of life into concepts, and then forget about this essence, the concepts we have created seem meaningless to...
Every Experience is an Opportunity to Find Yourself
I was chatting with a neighbor in his house on religion and spirituality. He was asking me about the purpose of religions. He is kind of an agnostic, and is skeptical of the purpose of religions. My answer was, in most cases they were systems put in place by their...
The Story of The ACC Civilization
About the Writings in This Site
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back and It’s All OK.
The System That Will Give Us Happiness
On Shame, Love, Hope, Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment
The Solution to All of Humanity’s Problems
The Desire to Awaken
On Patience, Forgiveness, Trust
How to Solve ALL Your Problems -2
In the first article of this series, which I didn't know was to be a series :), I made an energetic entry to the topic, but did not elaborate intellectually on it for those who desire to understand what I am talking about more at an intellectual level. Some...
How to Solve ALL Your Problems
This is the third time I start writing this article. I discarded the two previous starts, first was getting too analytical and in the second one I started to write at a friend's house and he interrupted me to express himself and I allowed him. Every moment I am a new...
You Are Free
Love is Learned with Love
Remember: The Force Will Be With You, Always.
 Now. I had to write this article. It has been getting into shape within my mind, not the contents, but just the picture at the start, and just the title. The rest is energy that is asking to be let into this world. And now is the time. The Force.. Jedi.. The Dark...
On the Importance of Unconditional Love in Helping People and Building Relationships
What Does a Happy Man Do?
Towards Enlightenment (11): To Surrender One Hundred Percent or Not to Surrender One Hundred Percent, That is the Question on this Path.
Towards Enlightenment (9): Downward Spiral Accompanied by Vivaldi
Towards Enlightenment (8): Continuity in Focus. What Do You Really Want?
Towards Enlightenment (4): About Moving Beyond the Understanding: “It’s not happening. I cannot focus, I am distracted by desires, by life. I feel very sad.”
Towards Enlightenment (3): What Can Be Done About Losing Focus/Getting Distracted?
Towards Enlightenment (2): The Ground Floor of Heaven is All Well and Good, but How Do We Get In?
A Blog Post at the Bottom of the Night. It Fits the Occasion. Appearing as You Are/Being as You Appear
All Lives are Sacred and Everything is Possible
I am nowadays going from 'I should do something with my life' to 'all lives are sacred and everything is possible' attitude to life. I mean, isn't everything happening through our choices? Isn't the universe perfect? Wouldn't your Soul be able to incarnate anywhere it...
How to Trust the Universe/Life?
This article will be challenging for me. But I trust 🙂 I will create something good. Let's ask and attempt to answer the following questions to create a context for starting to tackle the main question: 1) Is the universe, is life inherently trustworthy? If we...
How to Be Happy/Peaceful Independent of External Circumstances
First of all, what is happiness? What is peace? Let's shake up these questions a bit and see what spills. Happiness is a word that points to an experience. If you ask what happiness is to many people, initially you will get varying answers, which may be close or far...
How Not to Earn Money From a Job and Still Be Happy, and Survive
Well, you gotta get money from somewhere. If you spend it, you need to get it from some source. But it doesn't mean you have to earn it. Money is something that most humans living in the civilized world think is valuable. Take your wallet full of money and take...
Quotes 1
My Current Perspective While My Energy is Increasing/Building up and Where I am Feeling Centered
I must do something. It was the thought that was in my mind today. I was centered in my heart, my energy was building up, old habits losing their momentum moment to moment. But I kept focusing on my heart. I would not worry about doing something in life. I will act...
Question to My Guru and Answer, Which Comes Right After I Myself am Able to Discern a Similar Answer
Some days ago I had asked the following question (a few emotional lines have been omitted by my guru to make it more clear for the public) and today I received the answer. Below the answer of my guru, I am giving a link to a blog post I wrote a few days ago, which I...
Hi! I am Erdal Bora. This is a temporary blog I am creating until I create a web site under my name. My primary purpose is not blogging but to have a free web site to offer free life coaching services to any Soul who stumbles upon my blog. It is a normal practice to...