When Should You Do Your First Meditation Session? In the Morning, Afternoon, Evening or Night. Why?
Can You Recover From Brain Damage Through Meditation and Other Spiritual Practices, or Does It Always Require Medical Intervention?
Is the Book Autobiography of a Yogi Worth the Time?
In today’s time with excess information and false gurus and so on, where is it that we can learn and practice the true art of yoga and meditation (Kriyas, enlightenment)?
Two genuine sources that you can learn from are: Sadhguru: Homepage Lincoln Gergar: Higher Consciousness Spiritual Teachings & Guided Meditations Channel Higher Self Kriya means internal action. Both these teachers are enlightened and include kriya type...
What are some good ways to keep our kids focused now that they have to do their schoolwork from home?
Suppose you had a guru at home who did just what you are going to do in essence to your children. Suppose that the guru was using some good ways to keep you focused. How would you feel about that? It is actually you who needs to learn to focus because now you are...
Seeing the Pandemic as Part of the Natural Flow of Life
The pandemic and quarantine.. almost all of us want to do something and fix the situation. What can be more natural than this? Let's do what we can in the natural flow of life.. what needs to be done will differ according to the location of the person. For some it...
What type of Pranayam should I do to lose my weight and mental illness; I have schizophrenia and I can’t do postures because I have rods in my both hands and I can’t sit down due to joint replacement in one leg?
I am practicing a teaching where posture is not of primary importance. We focus on the pure life force energy (prana in its purest form) in our spiritual hearts and stay as awareness. This energy which is us at the deepest level is intelligent. It knows how to heal us...
Should I continue with my meditation when a trauma and a blockage comes up to the surface during my meditation? Should I just observe it an go on with my meditation? Or should I take that opportunity and use my power to heal it?
Go on with your meditation. Genuine meditation will result in the arising of the state of awareness. Remaining in awareness, in full acceptance with whatever comes up, letting it arise and then return to silence while maintaining focus on the object of the meditation...
What are some good meditation apps? Why do people pay for apps as there is meditation content on YouTube/etc? How frequently and how long should I meditate? What can I expect from meditation?
This is a direct answer that doesn’t soften the topic, because the sooner you connect with the facts, the better, in my opinion. Here is a page of apps from Sadhguru, who is a truly wise enlightened person: Sadhguru & Isha Mobile Apps. Sadhguru was enlightened...
What are some habits I could do every day that could replace social media? And have a real impact on well-being?
Educating yourself with teachings from genuinely enlightened people Meditation Living consciously from your spiritual heart, your deepest intelligence. Intermittent fasting Living with a sense of responsibility that encompasses the whole world, even whole existence...
When is the best time to meditate, very early in the morning, before my family wakes up and I am still tired, or late at night after they went to sleep and I am longing to sleep?
Why wait for the best time? Create your best time. Like.. rest as best as you can.. sleep well.. find a secluded place if it is too distracting for you otherwise. If you are tired.. support your body, rest your back somewhere, but sit upright, it doesn’t have to be...
I’d like to do counting meditation. I want to count by 1s starting at 0. What number should I count to if I want it to take 5-10 minutes?
In the breath counting meditation I practiced, the count starts from 1 and goes up to 10. After every breath (inhalation and exhalation together), the count goes up by 1. If the attention wanders from the breath, when we become aware of this, we start counting from 1...
Why should I do yoga and Patanjali’s view?
The word yoga means union. You are life, and when ‘yoga’, you know this, you are in the experience of this. Yoga is living as your true self. You don’t have to follow anybody’s view including Patanjali’s. You are free to create your life as you desire. You are free to...
What is it like to be a full-time meditation teacher (paid or unpaid)?
Here is an interview with one of the most prolific teachers of our time, Lincoln Gergar. He has been providing one on one sessions for thousands of people per year, each one hour session a powerful channeling that a person can use for a long time even afterwards the...
To help me develop a powerful meditation practice, should I study a course, read a guide, use an app, use a singing bowl, or all of the above?
You can learn how to meditate first from a guide/article/course/workshop/etc.. Then all that is required is you keep practicing. As you practice, you will become aware of more and more of life. You will be capturing more and more of life. While this happens, all kinds...
Are you aware of how much time is passing while meditating?
Earlier, I used to have more thoughts about time, and sometimes looking at the cell phone clock somewhere during meditation, or near the end, ‘is the time up yet’? Lately, I don’t care much about the time, since I am working to stay meditative all the time. There are...
How do you express your faith in God? My mind is so preoccupied with chanting his name that it takes a toll on my productivity. How do you escape that fear and reaffirm your faith without the need to chant all the time?
You can learn meditation. Practicing sitting meditation teaches us how to remain in a state where we are aware of the awareness that all life appears in, and we are aware of the creative energy that is one with this awareness, and we are in tune with the intelligence...
What is your favorite stealth meditation that you practice during an ordinary busy day?
I practice one of these 3 during the day, depending on my heart’s inclination: (explained in detail in these articles: 1, 2) Breath Awareness Meditation Spiritual Heart Meditation Awareness focusing on Awareness Meditation Mainly, I strive to focus on the spiritual...
Why is the early morning the best moment to meditate?
The best moment to be meditative is now, the present moment. Normally, the first moment you are consciously aware of in the day is the early morning right after you wake up from sleep. When you become meditative at this earliest time, you start to proactively become...
How can I build a good career in management? How can I start? Whenever I look up job opportunities online related to my field, they often require some years of experience which I don’t have.
Don’t hurry up. First of all, learn to manage your own self, your own life. Learn to lead yourself. Live with integrity. You will start to grow as a person this way. You can start working in a company. Live with awareness, and do your job with as full involvement as...
How do you meditate? Is there a guideline to follow, and what experience am I supposed to have?
We can follow a guideline until we evolve to an understanding where meditativeness becomes our natural state. Here is an article with such a guideline. Some meditation practices are designed to gradually evolve your understanding and state of existence so you are more...
Is the 10,000 hour rule of mastery achievable for a regular person?
You are falling into the trap of defining yourself. Regular person? What is it? In fact, there is no trap out there waiting for you, either. You are creating the trap. There simply aren’t any limitations whatsoever than what you place upon yourself. What is mastery?...
How do you overcome developer/programmer burnout?
You can!. Love the burnout. There is no need to fight it. Imagine you are putting a thread through the eye of a needle. Would getting angry and hurrying up help you to put it through? Or would simply a relaxed alertness, and a patient pace more useful? It is the same...
How long is it normal to be looking for a sales job?
Ready for a deep dive? This answer themed with your question touches the deepest truths, is aimed to provide an opportunity to explore these to create experiences of freedom, happiness and wisdom for you: Normal changes according to the society you are living in. And...
If you are really willing to work, is it inevitable you will find work?
This is also about how you define work. Suppose that I define work like this: “I will work on Elon Musk’s company or nowhere.” I may be really willing, but I may not find a job opportunity in that company for a long time, maybe never. This is like.. you may really...
Is Reiki pagan?
I haven’t received formal Reiki training. I will answer this question based on my understanding as a yogi. Life is one single entity, intelligent and aware. Therefore, nothing is not DIVINE. Everything is from God, everything is within God, everything is God. It is...
What is a time where you had to steel your nerves and psyche yourself up to get a task done?
My nerves have always been organic. It is my state of being, how I experience myself as consciousness is what decides how much I experience those times of strong emotional balance. The human organism is a wonderfully capable machine. We only need to learn to use it...
Is basic meditation all it’s cracked up to be? Seriously, what’s the evidence?
You can explore three ways for the answer. One is, you can simply observe contemporary enlightened people keenly, and discern/see the difference with your own inner and outer senses. 4 examples I can immediately count are: Lincoln Gergar, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Osho,...
If some yogis claim to have seen God after enlightenment, then why don’t they show some proof to the ignorant minds of the world? We only read stories, even about the recent greats such as Swami Vivekananda, but there are no evidences. Why?
Because, YOU are God. Unless you truly want to know yourself, you won’t know yourself. God is everything. It is ignorance to look for isolated evidence, because wherever you look is God. There is also a formless aspect of God. This is also you. This is the container...
Is answering questions an intrinsic motivation for writing?
Interesting question. I don’t remember writing the term ‘interesting question’ lately. For me, answering questions in Quora is a meeting of Love with form. I work to answer each question from a place of Love. I don’t answer all questions, because I am not a question...
Is it easy to get burned out in a sales job that is strictly performance-based?
When you remain long enough in a situation where your heart is not in whatever you are engaging with, you get burned out. If your work environment is based on giving up the Love for the money, and you remain subscribed to this approach, you are definitely walking on...
If I place awareness on the breath, is that meditation? Like can I meditate on the train just by being aware of the breath? Why or why not?
If I place awareness on the breath, is that meditation?: Yes. Can I meditate on the train just by being aware of the breath?: Yes. Why or why not?: Where we place our awareness changes the flow of creative energy accordingly. There are certain objects such as the...
What impels you to write? Is it subject matter or the love of writing, your job, or the encouragement of others?
I see writing as part of the eternal process of creation. In this time within eternity, humanity can benefit from written works that can be used as a tool to support one’s awakening. Why awaken? To live life as it is of course.. Right now, humanity is not generally...
I just heard about the unexpected departure of some employees from my new company after my boss felt he had invested in them. My boss is unhappy with them. If you were my boss how would you have felt and handled such?
You can invest in people but they will still do what they truly want to do. To avoid disappointment simply don’t have unrealistic expectations. Investing in people does not guarantee that they will make choices based on your preferences. In fact this is a rather...
Why do employers keep on focusing on my last job and experience when I have gone out from a stagnant, depressing, toxic job and had been working very hard during the past year striving to gain ground and change in it?
This means those you have met with are focusing on the past for their decisions. (read on for supportive elaboration) Are you going to focus on these employers’ decisions or are you going to keep focusing on the new direction you have set for your life? Accept them as...
Who are some of the most productive and active business leaders, politicians or scientists that are older than 80 and still working every day?
I know this is not exactly what you asked for, but I would still cheer for Sadguru Jaggī Vāsudeva here. He is 62 years old, and as far as I remember he has been working almost non-stop for the last (at least) 30 years, sleeping between 2.5 to 4.5 hours (and only...
Why do some corporations want part time employees to have open availability but then they only give them 15-20 hours a week when scheduling?
I am foreign to this way of working, so I can provide an outside observer perspective, with the intention to be supportive for this A2A. Open availability means, you give priority to the company for the time period you reserved for working except for emergencies. You...
Can you give me a timetable for 24 hours? How can I manage my work, eat, and sleeping?
It doesn’t matter what timetable I give you. It will anyway happen in the way you create it from within yourself. It is happening the way it is happening right now because you are creating it from within this way. Remember any time where you tried to implement an idea...
How do I make an eight hour workday go by faster?
Make it a 24 hour workday. Work on listening to your heart and living with its higher intelligence. Here is a very thorough answer. Firstly, time is only a concept created by humans. Humans have created a device which divides the motion of the Earth around the Sun...
How do you cope with stress and pressure?
Are you ready for a deep dive? I have dived deep for many years, so my answer about my approach will also reflect my experiences over the years. Here comes the answer: I take full responsibility for everything I experience. This does not mean I am personally in...
I told my girlfriend of two years that I had thoughts of sleeping with other women early on in the relationship and she broke up with me. Is there anyway I can repair the trust? And why did I have these thoughts?
Having thoughts is no breach of trust. Why? You can see this for yourself. Close your eyes and just be aware. While you are staying aware without doing anything, thoughts will arise. Thoughts that you did not consciously plan for or ask for. This is because we have...
What can I do about the constant tension in my head that interferes with my ability to think clearly?
I don’t know the exact cause of your tension from your question. It could be mental or physical. To help, my personal experience when having tension is that for me there can be two main causes: (For you, there may be other causes as well, such as an unknown or known...
How has meditation brought you peace?
Meditation is a state of focused awareness. Where we focus our attention, our energy flows towards. We create more of that in our experience. When we focus on specific objects in meditation such as the breath or the energy of love, or the formless awareness itself, we...
What does burnout do to your brain?
I am not medically qualified to answer your question. This is a research topic and you can check scientific journals etc. for a scientific answer. However, if you asked this question to learn more about how to heal burnout, I would suggest you consider this analogy...
Why can’t I control my intrusive thoughts no matter how much I try?
Note: For a quick answer, skip to the end and study the last video. However, I suggest studying this answer as well to gain a path to fuller understanding. Let’s give an analogy that might help you understand the situation from a wider perspective. Imagine that you...
I replay unwanted thoughts in my head over and over again while doing a certain action until it “feels right”. I heard this is OCD. It’s difficult to control and I hate it. How can I make these compulsions stop?
Currently who you think you are is a construct of thoughts. But in reality, you are the awareness that is the container of everything, including your thoughts, your emotions and your body. You are trying to stop the thoughts by staying identified with some other...
What can people do to make the most use of their time getting to work and being productive during the commute?
Look within yourself and see what is of most value to you that is doable during a commute. Books that you consciously picked? Other resources to browse that can support your growth and help you discover your creativity, how to create more value, or just be able to...
How do I motivate a teen to learn to drive?
Connect with your heart and live from here. Then whatever you do, it will touch the heart of the teen. And if it is their heart’s desire to learn to drive, then they would be supported by your actions towards this. This is the path of the heart. When they will...
As a writer, do you feel that exercise helps spur your creativity? If so, is there a particular activity you like to participate in to help get the juices in your brain flowing?
Firstly, I would like to point out an aspect of exercise that I think helps with creating more flow. It is breath awareness and body awareness. Normally, humans are conditioned to keep their attention mainly in their forehead region in their thoughts. For women, their...