I am practicing a teaching where posture is not of primary importance. We focus on the pure life force energy (prana in its purest form) in our spiritual hearts and stay as awareness. This energy which is us at the deepest level is intelligent. It knows how to heal us...
Can following a thought during meditation be helpful?
It can be useful, if you consciously select or follow the thought. In breath counting meditation for example, we count after each breath, and this is used as a support for active minds to remember they are meditating and track their meditation. Here the count is a...
What are some habits I could do every day that could replace social media? And have a real impact on well-being?
Educating yourself with teachings from genuinely enlightened people Meditation Living consciously from your spiritual heart, your deepest intelligence. Intermittent fasting Living with a sense of responsibility that encompasses the whole world, even whole existence...
I feel super stressed and I’ve once had an amazing Kundalini Kriya spontaneous movements but couldn’t get it to happen again. What can I do?
Practice meditation and staying meditative throughout the day as best as you can. As the mind comes to relative peace, the energy will start to come into your awareness again. Do not try to increase or decrease the energies during meditation. Treat them just as you...
How do I meditate for 10 minutes without any reaction to the thoughts that are coming from my mind?
The first step is to understand how to meditate. Please read this article for that. The rest of this answer builds on top of the core info in the article. To most fully experience the state of awareness, you need to most fully maintain your focus on the object of...
Can Reiki be used as a relaxation technique?
I am not coming from the Japanese lineage of learning Reiki. I arrived at the experience of the energy of Reiki from a different path. I will share my understanding so that you can understand more the mechanics of how Reiki helps you when you are studying Reiki. Feel...
What is your favorite stealth meditation that you practice during an ordinary busy day?
I practice one of these 3 during the day, depending on my heart’s inclination: (explained in detail in these articles: 1, 2) Breath Awareness Meditation Spiritual Heart Meditation Awareness focusing on Awareness Meditation Mainly, I strive to focus on the spiritual...
What do you do when you aren’t worth anything?
🙂 Well I will break your question because you are worth more than nothing for me, so I would like to write an answer. 😉 In fact you are worth more than the universe itself, because the universe is happening within you, literally. Your mind might believe you are not...
What is the “ABCDE” method of organizing one’s day?
Take a careful look. You don’t live day by day aren’t you? You live moment to moment. In fact there is only this moment. There is nothing else. You are always living in this moment. Whether you are remembering a memory, or whether you are imagining the future, or...
Why does my body go into shaking spasms during meditations and should I be scared?
I will give an example from my experience. When I maintain a meditative streak, and have been careful about my diet, my meditation at times deepens. When I am practicing Spiritual Heart Meditation (in a sitting posture) this way, sometimes the body can shake left and...
If I place awareness on the breath, is that meditation? Like can I meditate on the train just by being aware of the breath? Why or why not?
If I place awareness on the breath, is that meditation?: Yes. Can I meditate on the train just by being aware of the breath?: Yes. Why or why not?: Where we place our awareness changes the flow of creative energy accordingly. There are certain objects such as the...
What does it mean to be aware of your awareness in meditation and how can you apply it in your daily meditation practice?
There is an article that excellently matches the answer to your question so I am posting the link here: Types of Higher Self Meditation Practices Note the 3. meditation in the article. For the Breath Awareness Meditation in the article, study this article for...
Why does “achievement” in meditation is to not have thoughts? Aren’t thoughts just another discrimination like any other perception within the field of awareness?
I think the idea is to have them when only you choose to have them, not as an automatic process and otherwise have a completely peaceful mind. You can check this one out for more information: Mind Mastery: Why Do We Have Thoughts? Follow-up Question: Is it not...
How do I make an eight hour workday go by faster?
Make it a 24 hour workday. Work on listening to your heart and living with its higher intelligence. Here is a very thorough answer. Firstly, time is only a concept created by humans. Humans have created a device which divides the motion of the Earth around the Sun...
What is the cause and solution for motivation loss?
If you are ready for a deep answer that can change the way you look at reality, read on. Stay with the answer, and your question will have been most completely answered in the end. Are you experiencing a loss of motivation? See.. what you are experiencing right now is...
How has meditation brought you peace?
Meditation is a state of focused awareness. Where we focus our attention, our energy flows towards. We create more of that in our experience. When we focus on specific objects in meditation such as the breath or the energy of love, or the formless awareness itself, we...
As a writer, do you feel that exercise helps spur your creativity? If so, is there a particular activity you like to participate in to help get the juices in your brain flowing?
Firstly, I would like to point out an aspect of exercise that I think helps with creating more flow. It is breath awareness and body awareness. Normally, humans are conditioned to keep their attention mainly in their forehead region in their thoughts. For women, their...
I have complete mastery over the English language and am adept at reading human behavior and creating solutions for personal issues. Would pursuing a career as a motivational speaker be ideal for me?
There is a learning period where a person needs to learn to trust their inner knowing. Start somewhere trusting your experience. Be honest with yourself, see things as they are as you progress. If something comes from your heart, and you stay focused on your heart,...
What is your fastest way to reduce your own stress?
I stop creating stress to the best of my knowledge at that given time. Lately, I focus on the Spiritual Heart as strongly/one pointedly as I can and stay as Awareness. I let the stress be as it is, and let the energy of Love do the work of purification. I am aware...
How do I have better luck in dating as a guy, if I’m struggling with being boring?
This will be a definite answer to your question. The mechanism of the mind is that it seeks unconditional love. The conditioning of the mind determines how it seeks it, but it always seeks this unless it is being experienced in the present moment. Unconditional love...
How do I focus on studying and stop thinking about gaming?
When we are in tune with ourselves, when we know that an action is truly the most important at the moment, when we truly feel its importance to our core, when we realize other alternatives are not what we truly desire, we attempt to do/move towards doing that action....
What keeps you motivated to work hard on achieving your dreams?
I have been working more and more to become a heart centered person. When we are heart centered, our actions and our desires enter into a trend where they become more and more aligned. And when they are increasingly more aligned, we feel less incongruity, less...
What should I do to reduce my shyness?
Wikipedia contains this sentence inside the definition of shyness: `The primary defining characteristic of shyness is a largely ego-driven fear of what other people will think of a person's behavior.` Your question feels sensible, because you don’t want to destroy...
Why is overthinking bad, and how do you control it?
The disadvantage of overthinking is, your attention is fixed more than you actually need on your thoughts, and meanwhile you are missing other aspects of the present moment. The mind always tries to find happiness according to the existing conditioning you have...
How did you get rid of overthinking?
Yes, I had a very active mind and furthermore I was identified with the thought structure in my mind as myself. I was a seeker of truth, and gave a lot of intellectual effort in understanding the nature of reality, and also trained myself physically (martial arts and...
How can I like myself?
To define Love in words exhaustively is impossible. We all have unique personalities, and at any certain moment, Love will mean something different to each person. But, when we go beyond our minds, and feel the energy of Love directly, it is the same experience. You...
About the Writings in This Site
Anger or Mud?
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back and It’s All OK.
Contemplation About a New Mode of Living
Here is what I shared with a friend today, I am also sharing this raw and unedited here: [2:43:39 AM] Erdal Bora: i am at a dilemma.. just wanted to share .. [2:43:47 AM] Erdal Bora: so that you can see the whole picture of me [2:44:47 AM] Erdal Bora: now.. today.. i...
On Shame, Love, Hope, Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment
How To Be More Fulfilled With Less Struggle
There are two ways to feel fulfilled that I know of. The first of these approaches is to feel fulfilled by working to fulfill the conditions that we believe will fulfill us. We do actions that we think that would give us happiness. Such as achieving goals,...
Making Peace With Mental Confusion and Transforming the Mind
On Patience, Forgiveness, Trust
How to Solve ALL Your Problems -2
In the first article of this series, which I didn't know was to be a series :), I made an energetic entry to the topic, but did not elaborate intellectually on it for those who desire to understand what I am talking about more at an intellectual level. Some...
You Are Free
How to Come Back from the Dark Side of the Force?
On the Importance of Unconditional Love in Helping People and Building Relationships
Why Is Unconditional Love So Important When Helping/Relating With Other People
When you focus on Divine Love, this Love starts to purify you. It heals you. It helps you heal those energies that are stuck within you. By keeping your attention on Divine Love and staying as awareness, you give your Higher Self the permission to teach you with...
The Powerful Energy Of The Spiritual Heart
Lately, in my life, I have been focusing on the Spiritual Heart on irregular times throughout the day, trying to somewhat maintain this focus and make it continuous. I have become more and more aware that this has a powerful purifying effect in my life. I feel as if I...
On Being Honest and Being Rejected
What Does a Happy Man Do?
Life Happens and I am Awakening
I wasn't going to write another post until I had a deep awakening. Well, I want to write one now, because I feel it is worth it. For a long time, I tried to fight with some of my desires in life. This led to inner conflict. Now, I am changing strategy. My strategy is...
Lost the Center Again and Gradually Lost the Fast, But Regained Some Centeredness After Some Effort
I gradually lost my center when I started to focus on the idea that I had to build a hut in the field to meditate and take care of the animals in an easier way. The problem here was that I lost the surrendered state, the state of trust to life, after and during a...