Can You Recover From Brain Damage Through Meditation and Other Spiritual Practices, or Does It Always Require Medical Intervention?
What are some good ways to keep our kids focused now that they have to do their schoolwork from home?
Suppose you had a guru at home who did just what you are going to do in essence to your children. Suppose that the guru was using some good ways to keep you focused. How would you feel about that? It is actually you who needs to learn to focus because now you are...
Seeing the Pandemic as Part of the Natural Flow of Life
The pandemic and quarantine.. almost all of us want to do something and fix the situation. What can be more natural than this? Let's do what we can in the natural flow of life.. what needs to be done will differ according to the location of the person. For some it...
What type of Pranayam should I do to lose my weight and mental illness; I have schizophrenia and I can’t do postures because I have rods in my both hands and I can’t sit down due to joint replacement in one leg?
I am practicing a teaching where posture is not of primary importance. We focus on the pure life force energy (prana in its purest form) in our spiritual hearts and stay as awareness. This energy which is us at the deepest level is intelligent. It knows how to heal us...
Can meditation and mindfulness be the secret weapon against coronavirus anxiety?
Yes, we can evolve to the point that we don’t have a fear for our own health from the virus. This has been my experience from the beginning of March, when I began to understand and thought that it would inevitably come to my country and would be everywhere sooner or...
I feel super stressed and I’ve once had an amazing Kundalini Kriya spontaneous movements but couldn’t get it to happen again. What can I do?
Practice meditation and staying meditative throughout the day as best as you can. As the mind comes to relative peace, the energy will start to come into your awareness again. Do not try to increase or decrease the energies during meditation. Treat them just as you...
What is the “ABCDE” method of organizing one’s day?
Take a careful look. You don’t live day by day aren’t you? You live moment to moment. In fact there is only this moment. There is nothing else. You are always living in this moment. Whether you are remembering a memory, or whether you are imagining the future, or...
I want to start a company. What is the quickest way to do this as a computer science student?
You go and register the company. You buy your furniture etc. And there you are. You have a company. Did anything change in your life? You bet. Now, you have some additional running costs and obligations. Did this add any value to your life? Nope.. See. Companies are...
Why does my body go into shaking spasms during meditations and should I be scared?
I will give an example from my experience. When I maintain a meditative streak, and have been careful about my diet, my meditation at times deepens. When I am practicing Spiritual Heart Meditation (in a sitting posture) this way, sometimes the body can shake left and...
Is it ethical to work as an employee while building your own?
The purpose of work must be to uplift both others and yourself. (Here I am using the word ethical in the context of serving the highest good of all): If building your own hurts your employer’s business, it is not ethical. If your employer’s business prevents you from...
Why do employers keep on focusing on my last job and experience when I have gone out from a stagnant, depressing, toxic job and had been working very hard during the past year striving to gain ground and change in it?
This means those you have met with are focusing on the past for their decisions. (read on for supportive elaboration) Are you going to focus on these employers’ decisions or are you going to keep focusing on the new direction you have set for your life? Accept them as...
If I have no motivation to pursue anything, then do I have no career?
You can just live your life as you desire. Just do what comes from within you, from your heart. What if you have no career? Can you trust life enough that you can keep going having no career in the eyes of other people? What if you are experiencing your uniqueness...
How do you manage your stress when sales are down ?
I live a lifestyle where I strive to live such a way that stress is not created in the first place. When we haven’t yet gained conscious mastery of how we create reality, our circumstances can seem to be responsible for our stress. However, living with awareness...
How do I make an eight hour workday go by faster?
Make it a 24 hour workday. Work on listening to your heart and living with its higher intelligence. Here is a very thorough answer. Firstly, time is only a concept created by humans. Humans have created a device which divides the motion of the Earth around the Sun...
What is the cause and solution for motivation loss?
If you are ready for a deep answer that can change the way you look at reality, read on. Stay with the answer, and your question will have been most completely answered in the end. Are you experiencing a loss of motivation? See.. what you are experiencing right now is...
I told my girlfriend of two years that I had thoughts of sleeping with other women early on in the relationship and she broke up with me. Is there anyway I can repair the trust? And why did I have these thoughts?
Having thoughts is no breach of trust. Why? You can see this for yourself. Close your eyes and just be aware. While you are staying aware without doing anything, thoughts will arise. Thoughts that you did not consciously plan for or ask for. This is because we have...
As a mental health advocate on Quora, are you risking your job or career by writing publically about your own mental illness, or do you not have a job or career left to lose? How does it feel?
If your job is endangered by sharing truth about any mental illness you may have had, then that job is not worth having. So, your boss would fire you if he knew you were ill mentally and you would keep working under his leadership? How healthy would it be for you? In...
How has meditation brought you peace?
Meditation is a state of focused awareness. Where we focus our attention, our energy flows towards. We create more of that in our experience. When we focus on specific objects in meditation such as the breath or the energy of love, or the formless awareness itself, we...
What does burnout do to your brain?
I am not medically qualified to answer your question. This is a research topic and you can check scientific journals etc. for a scientific answer. However, if you asked this question to learn more about how to heal burnout, I would suggest you consider this analogy...
How do I motivate a teen to learn to drive?
Connect with your heart and live from here. Then whatever you do, it will touch the heart of the teen. And if it is their heart’s desire to learn to drive, then they would be supported by your actions towards this. This is the path of the heart. When they will...
I have complete mastery over the English language and am adept at reading human behavior and creating solutions for personal issues. Would pursuing a career as a motivational speaker be ideal for me?
There is a learning period where a person needs to learn to trust their inner knowing. Start somewhere trusting your experience. Be honest with yourself, see things as they are as you progress. If something comes from your heart, and you stay focused on your heart,...
How do I deal with anxiety or panic attack after making mistakes at work even though it’s only small or even the smallest mistake?
It is only your mind that is creating these feelings. Learn meditation and meditate until you begin to see the perfection of everything. Stay meditative throughout the day, and by and by you will transcend these thoughts and the feelings resulting from them. One can’t...
What is the Best Practical Test to Give Students After Delivering a Training on Self-Motivation?
Love them unconditionally. This is the greatest test. This is such a test that, it will show them a mirror of their highest potential, but leave them free to choose their approach also. It is impossible to fail in this test, because this test is so nurturing that, no...
What are the best tricks to keep yourself motivated?
Stop searching for motivation. Searching implies that you think/believe it is somewhere else. Non-searching is the state of motivation. Motivation is within you, not somewhere else, it is one with you. So how will you ever find it if you keep believing it is somewhere...
When nothing seems to work out in life, what is the one thing you look up to?
Don’t look up to any ‘thing’. That is where the problem starts. The Self is not an object. Do not think that happiness is in some thing. It is not in a thing. It is inherent. It is your true nature.
What should I do to reduce my shyness?
Wikipedia contains this sentence inside the definition of shyness: `The primary defining characteristic of shyness is a largely ego-driven fear of what other people will think of a person's behavior.` Your question feels sensible, because you don’t want to destroy...
How do I deal with over thinking and rehashing a relationship that has long ended and that has turned upside down my personal and familial life?
Question Details: I am a girl. I was in a relationship with a guy for 7 years. After that, he left me and married someone else. At first, I thought I'll easily overcome this situation. It's almost two and a half years and I am not able to get over him. My friends...
How do I live a decent thug life?
I will base my answer on this definition of Thug Life: “Thug life means opposite of someone having all he needs to succeed. Thug life is when you have nothing, and succeed, when you have overcome all obstacles to reach your aim” from Urban Dictionary. Everything in...
What are some tips for becoming successful?
Realize the impermanence of life, that life is continuously changing, and no form is permanent or can be made permanent. Therefore, if you base your success to a permanence of form, sooner or later your failure is inevitable. If one cultivates an acceptance of life...
How can I regain my parents’ trust after telling little lies quite often?
Apologize to them for telling lies, do your best to be honest from this moment. In time, this will lead to new experiences for you and them, and their trust will develop again. You can’t control when they begin to trust you, but you can do your best to be honest from...
On Patience, Forgiveness, Trust
How to Solve ALL Your Problems
This is the third time I start writing this article. I discarded the two previous starts, first was getting too analytical and in the second one I started to write at a friend's house and he interrupted me to express himself and I allowed him. Every moment I am a new...
The Secret to Unshakable Confidence
The Powerful Energy Of The Spiritual Heart
Lately, in my life, I have been focusing on the Spiritual Heart on irregular times throughout the day, trying to somewhat maintain this focus and make it continuous. I have become more and more aware that this has a powerful purifying effect in my life. I feel as if I...
On Being Honest and Being Rejected
What Does a Happy Man Do?
Lost the Center Again and Gradually Lost the Fast, But Regained Some Centeredness After Some Effort
I gradually lost my center when I started to focus on the idea that I had to build a hut in the field to meditate and take care of the animals in an easier way. The problem here was that I lost the surrendered state, the state of trust to life, after and during a...
Towards Enlightenment (9): Downward Spiral Accompanied by Vivaldi
Towards Enlightenment (5): Waking up While Drifting Off / An Introduction to Energy Capacity
Towards Enlightenment (2): The Ground Floor of Heaven is All Well and Good, but How Do We Get In?
A Blog Post at the Bottom of the Night. It Fits the Occasion. Appearing as You Are/Being as You Appear
How to Trust the Universe/Life?
This article will be challenging for me. But I trust 🙂 I will create something good. Let's ask and attempt to answer the following questions to create a context for starting to tackle the main question: 1) Is the universe, is life inherently trustworthy? If we...
How Not to Earn Money From a Job and Still Be Happy, and Survive
Well, you gotta get money from somewhere. If you spend it, you need to get it from some source. But it doesn't mean you have to earn it. Money is something that most humans living in the civilized world think is valuable. Take your wallet full of money and take...
Hurting, Healing and Helping
Today I hurt the little dog that I had adopted. It kept biting me and when I am hurt I get angry. I tried to stop it by putting it a little distance away, telling it to stop, yelling in pain. But it came and bit me to play again and again. I got angrier and took it...