Meditating on the SELF. You are the SELF, which is all life, the entirety of life. Negative self worth is an experience of suffering. Every person has their own words to express their suffering. You have used those words. Suffering exists because at some level we...
What do I need to know as a young motivational speaker?
No one owns life.. No one is innately superior.. We are all the same consciousness, same life. So, in my understanding, what is needed is to be alive, is to be oneself, is to be real. Motivation… The desire for motivation is actually the desire to know life, know it...
What does it say about a person when they are dependent on persecutory delusions in order to sustain their self-worth and ego-validation?
I wouldn’t say anything or form an opinion about them looking at this information. They are what they are. This video can help you discern the difference between living from the ego and from our divine self: Personal Power: Creating From the Divine Self Within vs the...
I need some help reducing stress, can you please give me some advice?
We suffer because of our resistance to what is. The more we resist, the greater the suffering. We resist, because we want to uphold an identity, a separate sense of self that we think we are. This identity is called the ego. Deep inside we know that we are one with...
What is your fastest way to reduce your own stress?
I stop creating stress to the best of my knowledge at that given time. Lately, I focus on the Spiritual Heart as strongly/one pointedly as I can and stay as Awareness. I let the stress be as it is, and let the energy of Love do the work of purification. I am aware...
What Does Motivation Look Like?
Motivation is an experience. It is a state of ‘experiencing’. It is being alive. Being conscious. Being present. It is when you are here and now, when your attention is in the moment, when you are living life as fully as possible. When your attention is primarily in...
How does one stay motivated when there’s no hope?
No hope suggests that no path to peace/happiness seen by the person and the reality of the situation has not been accepted as it is. The primary reason of feeling hopeless is not the situation itself, it is the subjective reality of the person. Another usage of no...
How do I stop thinking dirty?
The more you correctly meditate, the more you will experience a purity of mind. When our mind is conditioned to seek happiness outside of itself, our sexual energy is subconsciously channeled towards objects in the world. When we learn/discover the unconditional love...
How do I stop being lazy as a teenager?
I want to stop being lazy,depressed. I want to become hardworking, get good grades, have a good life, get fit. I am lazy and tired every single minute of the day. I dont know what to do. What should I do? Please help me. You are the creator of your life, and you have...
How can I stop thinking about work constantly?
I work as a developer. Whenever I receive an email from someone complaining about something I did (mostly small things which happen rarely), I feel really bad and wouldn’t stop thinking about it for days. It’s killing me and sometimes I wouldn’t be able to sleep at...
How do I stop thinking about gaming every single second?
Apply these steps in order: 1. Watch and do this guided meditation: 2. Do step 1, until you feel enough clarity to focus on reading this article about meditation: What is meditation? How to practice...
How do I focus on studying and stop thinking about gaming?
When we are in tune with ourselves, when we know that an action is truly the most important at the moment, when we truly feel its importance to our core, when we realize other alternatives are not what we truly desire, we attempt to do/move towards doing that action....
How do I become good at something, and how can I find out what that something is?
Ultimately, you can become good at anything, you can become anything. The entire universe is YOU. You can create any experience. The catch is, you don’t believe it right now. You believe yourself to be a limited person. Which is OK. Be totally honest with yourself and...
How do I stop overthinking about too much gaming?
It is wonderful and perfectly natural that you want to be happy. It is a great experience to be happy while playing games. However; ask yourself this question: Do you truly want to play games to a degree that would harm you, steal from you possibilities in your life...
What keeps you motivated to work hard on achieving your dreams?
I have been working more and more to become a heart centered person. When we are heart centered, our actions and our desires enter into a trend where they become more and more aligned. And when they are increasingly more aligned, we feel less incongruity, less...
What are the best daily practices?
Listening to your heart. Trusting your own experience. Everyone is different, discover what is best for you through your own free will. Even what practices are best for you will change throughout your life. But the underlying principle of being true to yourself, being...
Is overthinking a bad thing to a human person?
It doesn’t help with overthinking adding another thought that ‘Overthinking is bad’. Other people might be saying overthinking is bad, but what is your own experience? We must observe our own experience and see what is really happening and this way genuinely increase...
There are certain things in my past that I am not proud of, to put it lightly. How do I get over these things?
The events of the past can not be changed. But we can acquire the wisdom to forgive ourselves. Eventually every ‘mistake’ we make is due to lack of awareness and directing our creative energy to create our mistakes due to the lack of this awareness. We have...
How do I deal with over thinking and rehashing a relationship that has long ended and that has turned upside down my personal and familial life?
Question Details: I am a girl. I was in a relationship with a guy for 7 years. After that, he left me and married someone else. At first, I thought I'll easily overcome this situation. It's almost two and a half years and I am not able to get over him. My friends...
How can I stop overthinking every social interaction?
Question Details: I’m way too sensitive to people and end up assuming the worst about most of the time. Its really annoying, and has caused me to avoid a lot of social interaction. I know this is a stupid question, but how can I stop? (Someone will suggest to ask for...
How important is the mindset in achieving success?
Definition of mindset obtained from Google Search: “the established set of attitudes held by someone” Whether you define success as the achievement of an external set of circumstances, such as the achievement of goals, or define it as an internal state such as peace...
What is the most effective way to help billions of people be kinder and a little more caring?
Do your absolute best your entire life to embody these qualities. Sincere effort based on sincere desire become teachings for the person leading to enlightenment. Since there is no separation, and everything is interconnected, your efforts and awakening will have...
How does a youngster become successful?
Your definition of success will evolve over time. That being said: The less you empower your doubts about success and the more you stay true, the more your success will unfold in your life. Stay true? What does this mean? A part of you knows this beyond explanation,...
How can I prevent myself from using mobile constantly and follow my dream?
I admit I am working on this too, but I feel I have made some progress. ‘Mobile’ allows us to mentally browse through a huge amount of experiences in the world. Because through mobile (videos/audio/text) you can access a mental stream of information about the...
How did you get rid of overthinking?
Yes, I had a very active mind and furthermore I was identified with the thought structure in my mind as myself. I was a seeker of truth, and gave a lot of intellectual effort in understanding the nature of reality, and also trained myself physically (martial arts and...
Is it really possible to change through sheer will and hard work? Can you really overcome illnesses or habits you have had for years?
If what you call as sheer will is resisting the flow of life, and you keep working hard in that direction, you will experience a lot of frustration. Your efforts are not being wasted, you are just creating a lot of frustration. This frustration I think would create a...
How do I stop laziness from ruining my life?
Learn meditation AND practice it on a persistent basis (start with short times like 5 minutes, then increase to 20 mins daily initially). A regular practice of meditation will gradually teach you and bring you to a state of calm, peaceful, relaxed awareness from where...
How do you deal with living with judgmental people (only 2 more months)?
The answer I will write is intended to facilitate a step towards the direction you desire, not explain all the steps you will take to get there, because you will need to live your life and face your unique circumstances as these steps are revealed. I would need to be...
Why do we hate people but at the same time can’t live without them?
Ultimately, everything in the universe is a part of you. If you are hating anything, you are hating a part of you. To be able to hate anything, you need to have a mental construct within yourself that says you are separate from that thing and that thing is bad, wrong,...
What is some good advice for a 17-year-old?
Everyone has different personalities, perspectives. Everyone will tell you to do something according to themselves. If you listen to them only, hear the concepts they are telling you but do not look and see truth for yourself, you will have lived life according to a...
Riker Lets Go of Something
I thought it would be good to share a some insights I expressed while chatting with a friend. The excerpt contains some insights about peace, happiness and the desire for money, approval and fame, Me: Riker lets go of something; ...
More on What This Site is About
We are life. Life is 'experiencing'. When I look at it, I can sense that possibilities of experience are ranging to infinity, going beyond my human imagination. Centered on my body, I become aware of the possibilities for me in this life. This is like an unopened...
Anger or Mud?
The System That Will Give Us Happiness
Creating and Migrating Content from Previous Site
I have been working for the last couple of weeks to create a self hosted, multilingual Wordpress based personal website. I have been setting up the software and moving the content from my previous site which I will be gradually phasing out. I...
On Shame, Love, Hope, Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment
The Solution to All of Humanity’s Problems
How To Be More Fulfilled With Less Struggle
There are two ways to feel fulfilled that I know of. The first of these approaches is to feel fulfilled by working to fulfill the conditions that we believe will fulfill us. We do actions that we think that would give us happiness. Such as achieving goals,...
The Desire to Awaken
Making Peace With Mental Confusion and Transforming the Mind
On Patience, Forgiveness, Trust
How to Solve ALL Your Problems -2
In the first article of this series, which I didn't know was to be a series :), I made an energetic entry to the topic, but did not elaborate intellectually on it for those who desire to understand what I am talking about more at an intellectual level. Some...
How to Solve ALL Your Problems
This is the third time I start writing this article. I discarded the two previous starts, first was getting too analytical and in the second one I started to write at a friend's house and he interrupted me to express himself and I allowed him. Every moment I am a new...
You Are Free
On Being Honest and Being Rejected
What Does a Happy Man Do?
Life Happens and I am Awakening
I wasn't going to write another post until I had a deep awakening. Well, I want to write one now, because I feel it is worth it. For a long time, I tried to fight with some of my desires in life. This led to inner conflict. Now, I am changing strategy. My strategy is...
Going on a Digital Fast
Hello, I am going on a digital fast for at least a few months. I won't be available for life coaching and other online activities during this period. Stay in Love. Update 1: Limiting the Scope of My Digital Fast Update 2: Lost the Center Again and Gradually Lost...