Questions & Answers
In this page I am sharing answers I have created for the questions that were asked to me and some questions I answered in Quora. You can see all the answers I have created in this link and I have been making more and more of them available also here. You can use the menu on the left (scroll to bottom on mobile) to quickly find related questions&answers aligned with your interests. I hope you benefit from these answers to these contemporary questions in your journey of growth. Enjoy.
Can meditation be centered only on being aware of thoughts, and not necessarily on paying attention to the breath, which seems to only to be in place to facilitate more awareness of thoughts; the ultimate goal?
Where you place your attention your energy will flow. When we place our attention on the breath, which is a special focal point that is connected to the deepest parts of ourselves, we are creating an experience of becoming aware of more of ourselves as the awareness...
Advice please. How do you deal with a narcissistic boss/supervisor in the work place? Leaving is not an option so are there any tactics I can use to stay on the right side of a narcissistic boss?
Truth is the tactic. Your life is not just about that job as you would like to believe. Whatever you do straying from truth, will drag you more into suffering whether you keep the job or not. Whatever you do living with truth, will lead you out of suffering more...
How do I make an eight hour workday go by faster?
Make it a 24 hour workday. Work on listening to your heart and living with its higher intelligence. Here is a very thorough answer. Firstly, time is only a concept created by humans. Humans have created a device which divides the motion of the Earth around the Sun...
If you are unsure of what career to pursue, how can you gain clarity and find fulfillment?
First of all, what is a career? Is it a series of works we undertake to have a sense that ‘i am working, now i deserve my due’? Why do people pursue careers? Are they trying to catch hold of something that they think they don’t have right now? It must be so, if it...
Who has sinned, God or man?
That question is the sin, because God and man are not separate. Then who has sinned? See.. sin is just an experience available within infinite possibilities. When we separate life in our minds, we experience sin. Life is one unity, when we don’t separate it in our...
What is the cause and solution for motivation loss?
If you are ready for a deep answer that can change the way you look at reality, read on. Stay with the answer, and your question will have been most completely answered in the end. Are you experiencing a loss of motivation? See.. what you are experiencing right now is...
How do you cope with stress and pressure?
Are you ready for a deep dive? I have dived deep for many years, so my answer about my approach will also reflect my experiences over the years. Here comes the answer: I take full responsibility for everything I experience. This does not mean I am personally in...
Besides money, what other incentives can be used to motivate your workforce?
If you can see the value of what you are creating as a company yourself, you can share your ideas, your feelings with your workforce. You can also go into physical/emotional/mental action yourself, creating yourself as a leader. You must be the visionary in this case....
I told my girlfriend of two years that I had thoughts of sleeping with other women early on in the relationship and she broke up with me. Is there anyway I can repair the trust? And why did I have these thoughts?
Having thoughts is no breach of trust. Why? You can see this for yourself. Close your eyes and just be aware. While you are staying aware without doing anything, thoughts will arise. Thoughts that you did not consciously plan for or ask for. This is because we have...
How do artists keep up the creative flow and motivation without a lengthy “artist’s fatigue” (burnout)?
They don’t pressure themselves to maintain creative flow. This is like forcing a someone to love you. Instead they focus on love itself. It is like.. You are God.. and you are creating just because you truly desire to create and you are creating the most wonderful...
… Has anyone really fully understood the Tao Te Ching and applied it? Would not their lives become heaven?
Full question text: The Tao Te Ching seems to contain extremely powerful wisdom, yet due to the way it is written, this wisdom is hard to fully decipher. Has anyone really fully understood the Tao Te Ching and applied it? Would not their lives become heaven? The first...
You are given a chance/the power to return to any point in life. Where do you start from again?
🙂 Now. Always. Don’t live in the past, or the future. Past is memory, future is projection. Now is where we create. If you think that any experience you have had made you less, ultimately you are mistaken. Nothing can take away from the true you. So, there is no need...
What can I do about the constant tension in my head that interferes with my ability to think clearly?
I don’t know the exact cause of your tension from your question. It could be mental or physical. To help, my personal experience when having tension is that for me there can be two main causes: (For you, there may be other causes as well, such as an unknown or known...
Why do we choke under pressure, and what can we do about it?
Breath and our thinking are connected. Pressure occurs within our perception. It is created by ourselves. It is related to our understanding of life. Our understanding of life is related to our thoughts and therefore the flow of our breath. If you are choking, this...
What increases productivity better, pressure and fear or motivation?
Self-knowledge increases our capacity of creative power. Ignorance diminishes it. We are always creating but how intensely we experience life depends on how much energy we can embody within our vessel. The more awakened we are, the more we can consciously direct this...
In your opinion, what is the best way to intrinsically motivate employees?
Be intrinsically motivated yourself. Examine Sadhguru, he is a great example. He doesn’t employ anyone, his fellows are volunteers. Be such that your organization attracts volunteer minded people. Can you treat money like the dead leaves of a tree, can you risk it all...
As a mental health advocate on Quora, are you risking your job or career by writing publically about your own mental illness, or do you not have a job or career left to lose? How does it feel?
If your job is endangered by sharing truth about any mental illness you may have had, then that job is not worth having. So, your boss would fire you if he knew you were ill mentally and you would keep working under his leadership? How healthy would it be for you? In...
How has meditation brought you peace?
Meditation is a state of focused awareness. Where we focus our attention, our energy flows towards. We create more of that in our experience. When we focus on specific objects in meditation such as the breath or the energy of love, or the formless awareness itself, we...
What does burnout do to your brain?
I am not medically qualified to answer your question. This is a research topic and you can check scientific journals etc. for a scientific answer. However, if you asked this question to learn more about how to heal burnout, I would suggest you consider this analogy...
How can I learn to accept compliments better?
The lesser your ego, the lesser it’s reactions will be able to pull you around, when it is triggered by the environment/compliments. The more awakened you are, the less you will be empowering the ego. Are compliments that different than chastisements? Perhaps...
Why is it so hard to find someone with work ethic?
Nothing is hard. (I will explain). Everything is possible in this universe. Every experience can be reached/created. Therefore, nothing is hard. We only experience what we call hard, because we get stuck in a place of trying to experience something when we in...
As a public speaker, do you go out and ask for opportunities to speak or do you wait for someone to offer you the opportunity, or is it a mix of both?
🙂 From where does this all begin? Does the chicken come first or the egg? I am inspired by a past memory when I had listened how the universe was created from a master. It will be distracting to share it here. But the point is.. what if all is springing forth in this...
How does having severe depression negatively affect work performance and work ethic?
Hello, It can severely affect your performance (depending on how accustomed you are to have been already masking it as a habit). However, if you strive to be honest, your work ethic will not be compromised. Depending on your employer’s understanding, you may be...
Why can’t I control my intrusive thoughts no matter how much I try?
Note: For a quick answer, skip to the end and study the last video. However, I suggest studying this answer as well to gain a path to fuller understanding. Let’s give an analogy that might help you understand the situation from a wider perspective. Imagine that you...
What is the best way to deal with a competitor who keeps trying to copy you?
Lead them. Always be ahead by doing what you love. Take Tesla’s/Elon Musk’s example. They are always better than their competitors in creating the newest, most useful technology, because they are always working with dedication, passion and creativity, not from a lack...
I replay unwanted thoughts in my head over and over again while doing a certain action until it “feels right”. I heard this is OCD. It’s difficult to control and I hate it. How can I make these compulsions stop?
Currently who you think you are is a construct of thoughts. But in reality, you are the awareness that is the container of everything, including your thoughts, your emotions and your body. You are trying to stop the thoughts by staying identified with some other...
What can people do to make the most use of their time getting to work and being productive during the commute?
Look within yourself and see what is of most value to you that is doable during a commute. Books that you consciously picked? Other resources to browse that can support your growth and help you discover your creativity, how to create more value, or just be able to...
I’m in my mid 40s. I’ve lost all confidence in my ability to find a partner. Is that usual for my age?
You are trying to project the responsibility to circumstances. Recognize that this idea is disempowering you. Learn to be happy from within yourself. Take responsibility for this, learn from others when necessary but never subscribe to the idea that something other...
How do I motivate a teen to learn to drive?
Connect with your heart and live from here. Then whatever you do, it will touch the heart of the teen. And if it is their heart’s desire to learn to drive, then they would be supported by your actions towards this. This is the path of the heart. When they will...
As a writer, do you feel that exercise helps spur your creativity? If so, is there a particular activity you like to participate in to help get the juices in your brain flowing?
Firstly, I would like to point out an aspect of exercise that I think helps with creating more flow. It is breath awareness and body awareness. Normally, humans are conditioned to keep their attention mainly in their forehead region in their thoughts. For women, their...
I have complete mastery over the English language and am adept at reading human behavior and creating solutions for personal issues. Would pursuing a career as a motivational speaker be ideal for me?
There is a learning period where a person needs to learn to trust their inner knowing. Start somewhere trusting your experience. Be honest with yourself, see things as they are as you progress. If something comes from your heart, and you stay focused on your heart,...
If there was a God, could he or she override their own laws of physics to make supernatural things occur?
Intuitive answer: There are no fixed laws of physics. This is a collective dream where everything is collectively decided. When there are billions of conscious beings who collectively hold same parameters, that place within consciousness can be experienced say as a...
How can I be sure if I’m pretty or not? All my friends say I’m pretty but I feel like they just say that not to break my heart.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For some people you will be pretty, and some will not find you pretty. This is entirely according to their conditioning. Enlightened people see the perfection of life. For them, everything is perfect. For them, you are one with...
When trying to recover from depression, how do you tell the difference between your own correct but maybe not so encouraging intuition, plain common sense, or anxiety, self-doubt & lack of self confidence? (Especially about yourself & capabilities)
The following video clearly explains how the mind works and the different parts of the mind. We can train ourselves to distinguish between these and live with wisdom. Psychology for the Awakened - How the Mind Works
How do I deal with anxiety or panic attack after making mistakes at work even though it’s only small or even the smallest mistake?
It is only your mind that is creating these feelings. Learn meditation and meditate until you begin to see the perfection of everything. Stay meditative throughout the day, and by and by you will transcend these thoughts and the feelings resulting from them. One can’t...
Isn’t Zen Buddhism anti-science? It tells you to stop thinking and focus on mind numbness.
I don’t know in detail about the later interpretations of the Buddha. But true meditation is the most scientific approach possible. It is not numbing the mind, it is staying aware, staying as awareness with your experience. When awareness merges with an object, our...
What tips do you have for being better at motivational speaking?
Be authentic. Speak from experience and (live) from your heart. If nobody happens to be around, perfect. Be alone, but be happy from your own presence. One person can come and listen, and this is fine. A crowd is listening.. all the same.. Just take care to be...
What can I do if I don’t want to put in hard work to help myself with my mental health?
Stay aware of your situation. Be honest. Be loving to yourself. Healing does not require one to fight with their mind. No matter how hard you fight with your mind, you can’t win that way. Fighting implies what you fight is external to you and that you can defeat it by...
Overthinking is ruining my life. Why do I do this? Do I need to consult a doctor, or will I end up my whole life under the control of my mind?
You are not doing this directly. You are doing this without being aware of how you are doing this. You are not aware of who you truly are, you are identified with a structure in your mind that you think you are. Your understanding of who you are is inaccurate and your...
What is wrong with me if all stuff about spirituality (e.g., chakras, mantra, meditations, astral projection) do not work on me? What is wrong with me, I just feel all of these are placebo?
Spirituality is about being aware of life as it is. It is the study of life with awareness. Everybody might be talking about concepts that they have no experience in, and they can talk about these concepts, and you can hear and affirm these concepts but.. where is...
Who is your favorite motivational speaker in 2019?
This year, it is Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev) :). Check out his work with Cauvery Calling. He doesn’t just speak, he rides a bike, too 🙂 He is leading this movement that involves the Indian people, gains the support of the government, even inspires the international...
What are some good tactics to manage stresses that are unavoidable in our life?
Would you create stress if you knew that you are the creator of everything in your perception? If you didn’t know that you are the creator of everything in your perception, then it would seem that some stresses are unavoidable, and then you would seek good tactics to...
Is “work smarter not harder” the best way to avoid burnout at your job?
You can’t outsmart life. I don’t like this word smart. It seems to be a good word in the beginning, gives a sense of superiority for a while. But why are we trying to be superior? Are we feeling inferior deeper inside? Then the more you are trying to be smart, the...
What are the degrees I can do that do not completely focus on memorization (if you know what I mean)?
It is not about the degree, it is about who is teaching. Find enlightened teachers. They will not be focusing on living from the past. On memory. They will be teaching you to be in the present, to be yourself. It is about the understanding of the teacher that what...
Why does it often take so long to recover from job-related burnout?
Because ultimately, it was not because of the job. It is because of how you see yourself, how you see life. It is because you keep seeking happiness from outside yourself, thinking that you don’t have the innate ability to create it, and some other thing can give you...
What is the best nootropic or nootropic stack to take prior to a job interview?
As you asked this question to me, I will answer it to give a different perspective for you to consider. The answer in my personal opinion is: None. Go as yourself and if you fail; perfect. It would be a chance for you to let go of the idea that you had to get this job...
If I confess that I am a sinner then am I forgiven and therefore not a sinner? If I must confess that I am a sinner in order for Jesus to forgive me then am I truly a sinner or not?
Sin is when you keep believing you are separate from God. Such as a God out there judging you to be good or bad. See.. when you separate God’s creation into good and bad, within your mind, all the while remaining unaware that you are the entirety of this all, one with...
What words of encouragement do you have to motivate someone with depression to start going for walks and runs to get healthier?
You don’t have to go for walks or runs. You don’t have to be healthy. You are free to do these things or not do these things. Your innate worth never changes because of being healthy or otherwise. Recognize that you can be as you are and still be happy and peaceful....
How does one (step by step) practice spiritual surrendering to become meditative, especially for attachment to life (aversion to death)? Are there any examples of such a thought and surrender process or any literature that may help?
There is a living enlightened person who has been creating comprehensive teachings for over a decade, which are designed to address all aspects of this enlightenment process. They are designed especially for us, for these contemporary times. These two links contain...
Will I ever be able to journey through meditation if I can’t visualise objects and places? All I can see when I close my eyes is an endless tunnel. It never leads anywhere. I have spent hours trying whilst listening to drumming. It’s just darkness.
Try this article, it will answer your question along with giving you a concise and accurate definition of what meditation is and how to practice meditation. There are a large number of different practices being called meditation today, but most of them create more...
How do I figure out what my true subconscious needs are, that I’m failing to fulfill, because I’m substituting bad habits and unhealthy desires in place of those true needs?
Your subconscious needs are whatever you are creating them to be in this moment. You are the creative consciousness. See? The dilemma begins when you believe that you are not the creative consciousness, and that some other force is partially responsible for whatever...
Does having money raise self-worth?
It is a common belief for many people that if you are rich, you are more worthy or if you have money you are worthy. There are also beliefs about money which make it ‘bad’ in the perception of many people who have these beliefs. So, people can crave to be rich due to...
Does being completely sober help you become more productive in your daily tasks?
The more clarity you have in your mind, the more effective your actions will be. With a mind in chaos, you won’t be able to accomplish what truly matters to you with efficiency. Even while being sober, the mind needs to be purified to become peaceful and calm to have...
What’s the easiest way to fix negative self worth?
Meditating on the SELF. You are the SELF, which is all life, the entirety of life. Negative self worth is an experience of suffering. Every person has their own words to express their suffering. You have used those words. Suffering exists because at some level we...
What do I need to know as a young motivational speaker?
No one owns life.. No one is innately superior.. We are all the same consciousness, same life. So, in my understanding, what is needed is to be alive, is to be oneself, is to be real. Motivation… The desire for motivation is actually the desire to know life, know it...
What does it say about a person when they are dependent on persecutory delusions in order to sustain their self-worth and ego-validation?
I wouldn’t say anything or form an opinion about them looking at this information. They are what they are. This video can help you discern the difference between living from the ego and from our divine self: Personal Power: Creating From the Divine Self Within vs the...
What do you do when you don’t work hard enough?
If you want to live a happy life, start accepting yourself as you are. It is possible to work and be of benefit to humanity without torturing yourself. The happier you are, the more you will be able to show others how to live happily as well, not necessarily by...
I need some help reducing stress, can you please give me some advice?
We suffer because of our resistance to what is. The more we resist, the greater the suffering. We resist, because we want to uphold an identity, a separate sense of self that we think we are. This identity is called the ego. Deep inside we know that we are one with...
What is your fastest way to reduce your own stress?
I stop creating stress to the best of my knowledge at that given time. Lately, I focus on the Spiritual Heart as strongly/one pointedly as I can and stay as Awareness. I let the stress be as it is, and let the energy of Love do the work of purification. I am aware...
How Do I Stay Focused, Motivated, and Enthusiastic When Depression and Anxiety Keep Coming Back Whenever I Don’t Do Something Actively?
You need to find the causes of your depression/anxiety and heal. Most humans carry many inner traumas and need to undergo mental/emotional/physical healing to release these. When a person goes through mental/emotional/physical purification, their creative energy can...
What are the Differences Between Ordinary Thinking and Critical Thinking?
Google dictionary for critical thinking says: “Critical thinking is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.” It is very common and ordinary to be semi-conscious, or mostly unconscious about what is going on within one’s mind in...
What is the Best Practical Test to Give Students After Delivering a Training on Self-Motivation?
Love them unconditionally. This is the greatest test. This is such a test that, it will show them a mirror of their highest potential, but leave them free to choose their approach also. It is impossible to fail in this test, because this test is so nurturing that, no...
What Does Motivation Look Like?
Motivation is an experience. It is a state of ‘experiencing’. It is being alive. Being conscious. Being present. It is when you are here and now, when your attention is in the moment, when you are living life as fully as possible. When your attention is primarily in...
How does one stay motivated when there’s no hope?
No hope suggests that no path to peace/happiness seen by the person and the reality of the situation has not been accepted as it is. The primary reason of feeling hopeless is not the situation itself, it is the subjective reality of the person. Another usage of no...
How Can I Stop Being My Own Worst Enemy?
In the comments section you have written that you were depreciated, deprecated and denigrated all the time as a child and you run yourself down because of this behavior, and that you feel you don’t count as a person. You were raised in an environment where you were...
What are the best tricks to keep yourself motivated?
Stop searching for motivation. Searching implies that you think/believe it is somewhere else. Non-searching is the state of motivation. Motivation is within you, not somewhere else, it is one with you. So how will you ever find it if you keep believing it is somewhere...
How do I stop thinking dirty?
The more you correctly meditate, the more you will experience a purity of mind. When our mind is conditioned to seek happiness outside of itself, our sexual energy is subconsciously channeled towards objects in the world. When we learn/discover the unconditional love...
How do I stop being lazy as a teenager?
I want to stop being lazy,depressed. I want to become hardworking, get good grades, have a good life, get fit. I am lazy and tired every single minute of the day. I dont know what to do. What should I do? Please help me. You are the creator of your life, and you have...
How can I stop thinking about work constantly?
I work as a developer. Whenever I receive an email from someone complaining about something I did (mostly small things which happen rarely), I feel really bad and wouldn’t stop thinking about it for days. It’s killing me and sometimes I wouldn’t be able to sleep at...
How do genius’s overcome boredom/lack of motivation? I can’t get motivated for school work, its too easy. What can I do to help myself?
Boredom is overcome by highly concentrated meditativeness and living your life from this state. The following video will teach the principle of it. It explains why people get bored while meditating but the same exact principle is applicable to whole life by living...
How can I manage to stop gaming and stop thinking about it?
Question Details: I am 15. I wanna stop gaming forever. I want to get my life in order. Get good grades, get fit but i can't stop thinking about gaming. I want to play games to escape depression but the only thing that is gonna help my depression are better grades and...
How do I have better luck in dating as a guy, if I’m struggling with being boring?
This will be a definite answer to your question. The mechanism of the mind is that it seeks unconditional love. The conditioning of the mind determines how it seeks it, but it always seeks this unless it is being experienced in the present moment. Unconditional love...
How do I stop thinking about gaming every single second?
Apply these steps in order: 1. Watch and do this guided meditation: 2. Do step 1, until you feel enough clarity to focus on reading this article about meditation: What is meditation? How to practice...
How do I focus on studying and stop thinking about gaming?
When we are in tune with ourselves, when we know that an action is truly the most important at the moment, when we truly feel its importance to our core, when we realize other alternatives are not what we truly desire, we attempt to do/move towards doing that action....
How do I become good at something, and how can I find out what that something is?
Ultimately, you can become good at anything, you can become anything. The entire universe is YOU. You can create any experience. The catch is, you don’t believe it right now. You believe yourself to be a limited person. Which is OK. Be totally honest with yourself and...
How do I stop comparing myself with people in terms of study?
The only way to completely quiet the mind is to feel unconditional love all the time. The comparison thoughts that you are witnessing in your mind are a symptom of your conditioning which says you can only feel Love if you fulfill certain conditions. This is...
When nothing seems to work out in life, what is the one thing you look up to?
Don’t look up to any ‘thing’. That is where the problem starts. The Self is not an object. Do not think that happiness is in some thing. It is not in a thing. It is inherent. It is your true nature.
How do I stop overthinking everything as a teen? ·
Learn meditation from the article below and start patiently practicing it. Read it carefully, and learn how to approach thoughts and emotions naturally. Practicing meditation in time will teach you to be in your natural state, where you can enjoy life with a peaceful...
How can I become better at guitar? I’ve been an intermediate player for a while now, and I feel “stuck”. Any tips? Suggestions?
I have discovered something that can answer your question and will try to convey that to you.. We have unlimited creative power within us, which is only limited by our minds within our experience. The more we focus into our true self, the more this creativity is...
Is overthinking a sign of intelligence or a sign of anxiety? How do you stop overthinking?
I feel that a fathomless intelligence is within us. The more noise there is in my mind, the less intelligent I feel. The more peaceful my mind, the more I can access this intelligence. A mind that is consistently filled with many thoughts is a mind that is not...
How do I stop overthinking about too much gaming?
It is wonderful and perfectly natural that you want to be happy. It is a great experience to be happy while playing games. However; ask yourself this question: Do you truly want to play games to a degree that would harm you, steal from you possibilities in your life...
Why is it that no matter how hard I try, I still can’t change myself for the better?
You have identified as yourself a part of yourself that believes you are not good enough and simultaneously tries to be good enough. As long as you keep believing that you are not good enough, no matter what you do, you will carry the reality of being not good enough...
How do you deal with people around you who want to suppress your personal development?
Accept them as they are and find a way to express myself being true to myself. When you accept them as they are, and express yourself being true to yourself, you will be also adjusting your expression to be in harmony with them. True personal development happens when...
How can I listen better in class while copying down notes at the same time?
I am designing a solution for you based upon my education and later research and practice of meditation: Develop your ability to stay as awareness out of class and in class in a consistent basis. Read this article, it is teaching how to do this: What is meditation?...
What is the most efficient way to replenish willpower?
Realize that there is only one willpower and everything including all your actions are governed by this willpower. Surrender more and more to this willpower and learn to live your life from there. At the root of it your will and this will are one. At the more surface...
How do I stop thinking? Sometimes I can’t stop thinking even if I want to.
Learn this meditation from the following video: (practice it to learn) Also study this article: What is meditation? How to practice meditation. Practice meditation regularly, and peace will increasingly be created within...
What keeps you motivated to work hard on achieving your dreams?
I have been working more and more to become a heart centered person. When we are heart centered, our actions and our desires enter into a trend where they become more and more aligned. And when they are increasingly more aligned, we feel less incongruity, less...
What are the best daily practices?
Listening to your heart. Trusting your own experience. Everyone is different, discover what is best for you through your own free will. Even what practices are best for you will change throughout your life. But the underlying principle of being true to yourself, being...
What should I do to reduce my shyness?
Wikipedia contains this sentence inside the definition of shyness: `The primary defining characteristic of shyness is a largely ego-driven fear of what other people will think of a person's behavior.` Your question feels sensible, because you don’t want to destroy...
Is overthinking a bad thing to a human person?
It doesn’t help with overthinking adding another thought that ‘Overthinking is bad’. Other people might be saying overthinking is bad, but what is your own experience? We must observe our own experience and see what is really happening and this way genuinely increase...
How do I overcome doubt?
Question Details: I think that I'm not good enough to study my dream course. In high school I always thought I was going to fail but I ended up with somewhat decent marks my friends say. Doubts are on the more surface level of our minds. On the depth of ourselves is...
There are certain things in my past that I am not proud of, to put it lightly. How do I get over these things?
The events of the past can not be changed. But we can acquire the wisdom to forgive ourselves. Eventually every ‘mistake’ we make is due to lack of awareness and directing our creative energy to create our mistakes due to the lack of this awareness. We have...
How can I change and become a normal person?
Question Details: I always think that I am highly intelligent and a genius. I think of myself as highly superior to others when I'm not and I'm emotionally sensitive, too. I think about things and that causes sleepless nights.. I feel anger, worry etc. I came across...
Why are there people that just plainly don’t want you to succeed?
Your definition of success and their definition of happiness might be in conflict. For example, they might be comparing themselves to you, and if you succeeded, they might come to feel ‘not good enough’ due to their conditioning. It is a very common aspect of many of...
Why is overthinking bad, and how do you control it?
The disadvantage of overthinking is, your attention is fixed more than you actually need on your thoughts, and meanwhile you are missing other aspects of the present moment. The mind always tries to find happiness according to the existing conditioning you have...
How do I deal with over thinking and rehashing a relationship that has long ended and that has turned upside down my personal and familial life?
Question Details: I am a girl. I was in a relationship with a guy for 7 years. After that, he left me and married someone else. At first, I thought I'll easily overcome this situation. It's almost two and a half years and I am not able to get over him. My friends...
How can I stop overthinking every social interaction?
Question Details: I’m way too sensitive to people and end up assuming the worst about most of the time. Its really annoying, and has caused me to avoid a lot of social interaction. I know this is a stupid question, but how can I stop? (Someone will suggest to ask for...
How important is the mindset in achieving success?
Definition of mindset obtained from Google Search: “the established set of attitudes held by someone” Whether you define success as the achievement of an external set of circumstances, such as the achievement of goals, or define it as an internal state such as peace...
How do I live a decent thug life?
I will base my answer on this definition of Thug Life: “Thug life means opposite of someone having all he needs to succeed. Thug life is when you have nothing, and succeed, when you have overcome all obstacles to reach your aim” from Urban Dictionary. Everything in...
How can I stop thinking about things that cannot happen because they’re haram?
Sincere practice of worship to the creator and praying that you are given the knowledge of how to live a pure life, and really dedicating yourself to this path will teach you. One must dedicate their life to this, for it to work. The real source of happiness is God,...